Flying Car getting closer?

I thought you were referring to this.

I hope not…we haven’t gotten driving on the road down yet.

People cant even maintain their cars properly yet…

The maintenance requirements on private aircraft are extremely anal. I can’t see the average joe affording to purchase let alone maintain these.

Flying cars will not be main stream until GPS and automated driving has been more refined. I don’t see them letting any Joe Schmoe into an air craft and flying all over the place. Also the air line industry will be a pretty big opponent of flying everyday vehicles.

Yeah it’s a ways off but closer for sure. If it’s practical that’s another matter entirely.

Thats awesome. Someday…but not anytime soon IMO

I would imagine its not great at being a plane or being a car.

It’s not like any idiot with a driver’s license will just be able to fly even if these do get popular. They’ll likely be marketed under the sports pilot license. While not requiring the thorough medical testing a full pilots license requires it’s still a lot of work and money to get a sports pilot license. It’s pretty unlikely they’ll ever get these classifieds at ultralights because getting them DOT certified would require too much equipment to ever pass the ultralight requirements limiting power and weight and still be able to fly.

Like LZ mentioned, they’ll be terrible cars and terrible planes while costing more than a decent plane and decent car combined. You see the same thing with amphibious cars. For half the cost you can go buy a much better boat and much better car than any of amphibious vehicles on the market.

I would say realistically this could be a real thing within 50 years at the earliest predicated on the idea that we would have some other plentiful, cheap & very energy dense reliable fuel (or super light and efficient batteries) by then. If not I just don’t see it being feasible with what gas or jet fuel will cost (as well as weight and capacity issues.)

It’s a cool idea but we’ll all probably be dead or too old to know where we are by the time this might even be possible.