the Jetsons = real life

pretty cool :tup: I’m sure a long way off yet, but it would be nice to see it in our lifetimes (then again, I’m sure most of our grandparents at our age didnt expect to see streets crowded with cars like they are now either)

I sent a $10,000 deposit. I should be the first one in WNY to have one.

Moller has been working on these since the 80’s. They look like they are missing something imporant for flight…oh yeah, wings…

is it real?

yes its real… its been around the news for a while now… its just too expensive at the current time to make a difference, also i think there is a good size battle with the FAA to get this thing in the air

oh yea… and its worthless for anything under 200 miles… WAY too expensive

Apparently the Dod has one of these from Moller (unmanned) for testing and such

yeah. let’s give another 3 degrees of freedom to people who are having trouble coping with the 2 that a car already has…

propulsion systems don’t need wings.

some of this stuff is pretty cool. I had a chance to sit down and talk with the designer of the jet belt this past weekend. A lot of interesting things already exist, but need military funtionality to ever get enough funding for it to put it into production

Moller is a joke in the aviation community. He has been touting this car for 25+ years, with only tethered flights, and empy promises. If you want to commute to work, buy aRotorway helicopter, its cheaper than his contraption by about $940,000.


There is no way the average driver out there could handle this. Hell most of them can’t even figure out what a power button does, so that would throw a computer completely out the window for controlling it.

EDIT: Would also bring a whole new dimension to the term breakdown. :lol:

lol people actually having to inspect their cars before they drove to work … yea right

but i want a flying escalade like in the GM commercial and i want it now


The whole idea of the Moller is that YOU wouldn’t fly it so much as ride in it. You get in, punch in a destination, and the computer flys you there via virtual highways in the sky.

The day is coming, probably in our lifetimes. The flying cars will have much more complex versions of our OBD2 systems, monitoring everything from the airframe to the engine, and unlike our idiot light that we can simply ignore until the car dies I’m sure these new systems simply will not allow the car to move if a serious fault is detected. Will they replace the car in our lifetime? I doubt it. But I’d be willing to bet that in the next 50 years rich people will be able to walk out to their car/plane and fly to their destination by simply keying in the address.

I agree… thats why the plane will take off from the treadmill.