Moller Skycar M200 to begin production

Moller International, which has been developing flying cars for over
“30 years”, will begin production of the Skycar M200. This vehicle is designed to fly at about 10 feet off the ground, and is powered by 8 rotary engines.

Inventor, Dr. Paul Moller, is calling it the “ultimate off-road vehicle” because “you can speed over rocks, swampland, fences, or log infested waterways with ease because you’re not limited by the surface.” Moller goes on to say: “the electronics keep the craft stabilized at no more than 10 feet altitude, which places the craft within ground effect where extra lift is obtained from operating near the ground. This lets you glide over terrain at 50 mph that would stop most other vehicles.”

Imagine never having to deal with wet or snowy roads, pot holes or damaging the habitat. Pretty neat idea if Moller can pull it off. Early adapters can expect to shell out about $90K for the privilege of looking down at other motorists.

Full story and video here.

Saw it already, but it’s pretty unstable in the air from the looks of the videos… I’d be scared about flipping it.

^^^ yea i just realised after talking to a co-worker about this (he works in the IT department “Geeks” lol, no, no, he’s awsome) but he said “this is old news they have much advanced one’s now, but they are very iffi on the sale for public untill they get everything crisp right because the idea of people zooming and crashing in the air is much more scary to them than street racers” <<< good way to put it, and yes i agree with you on that XuperXero.

Glorified limitless and electronically controlled Hover Craft. I like. I like a lot
When does Nissan start making theirs?

I would rock that… with spinners

lmao terry i cud see u driving that thing

terry would still drive it if it was rusted to shit and painted purple…
And the wankles all needed apex seals

Imagine the freedom…lol. no cop could catch up or give a ticket, if i owned one i’d just hover over his dumb

If people start driving/flying that, cops will stop you.
In North America they already put so much effort into stopping a chase vehicle. Choppers and a slew of Cop cars. I doubt this will be any different.
Cops know, it’s only a matter of time before you run out of gas.

^^^ bro im only being sarcastic…

and this is only baby toy stuff to what the X military has, the 1903 deep project BMW made UFO’s, you can probably find the blue print online…if your lucky.

polititians…all feed us garbage…and make us ignorant to the possibility to anything outside our imagination.

btw not to go far off topic, but has anyone been seeing the new white crown victorias with full 100% or 0% black tint, unmarked car with faded white vynle saying Delta?

i saw two the otherday, and today my sister was at tim hortens and she saw one white one parked at a mall lot exactly the type i saw, in the open and two guys 6’2 one black and one white both wearing black suits came into the timmies and everyone was staring at them, even the garbage collectors outside, the people hanging out, kids, and they seemed not to be bothered, they came in looked and left.

lol people were freakin out she said.

this got me thinking hard, she said the white guy had like a military hair cut, and i know that Delta is usually termed for Military Police, i.e they police secret military shiznit, but wtf are they doing in public eye in brampton.

has anyone else seen them???