Flying Low


[ame=“”]YouTube - Low Flying and Crazy Fast Passes[/ame]

Low low level pass in the KC-135 stupid but wow that would took some balls


I love sonic booms. once in my life I seen a stealth bomber do it over the south hills. it was nuts

i thought you were going to ask me something. that was way better then what i assumed

upside down under a bridge withpeople standing on it…Stones big ones

Haha I really doubt that its not capable of supersonic flight.

maybe he meant the black bird?

Ive scene them do it a couple times at air shows


The Blackbird hasnt flown since Oct 19 1997

and Supersonic flight is prohibited it is only allowed in certain areas.

love the spitfire at the end

I take one of those areas is NOT right by the airport. My work is directly next door to the FBO…where they planes are kept for the air show. The Thursday and Friday before the airshow they practice and there have been a few “sonic booms” during practice. Last year a f-22 raptor did it while flying like (what looked like) 20-30 feet above my building.

Edit: after watching a sonic boom on you tube and I didn’t “see” it…but it did make a big boom sound and shake the building???

cool vid

awesome A+

Stealths are subsonic… :stick:


max speed of the b2 is mach .95, which means that the1slor/t is a douchebag liar.

You would know is a plane broke the sound barrier over the south hills, a lot of windows would need to be replaced.

The only thing Im thinking he might have meant the F-117A Stealth Fighter


ahh no there was no sonic booms…if the 22 did a sonic boom there would of been no windows left…

believe me there was no sonic booms that took place any time during practice or the airshow.

ahh no you didnt

it looked like a stealth bomber, not sure what it was. it was at an extremely high altitude. it wasnt like it was at 2000ft lol. it was years ago, 8-10 i would say

just stop. You are starting to sound like Blue. No pilot is going to break the sound barrier over Pittsburgh. It may have been loud, and may have been on the afterburner, but not the speed of sound.

like i said im not bullshiting. ya it might not have been a “sonic boom” he could have just hit the afterburner. but it was a loud “boom” that I heard and looked up to see something triangle type…

maybe it was a weather balloon?