FML. I need help!

FUCK ME! :retardclap Like a fucking idiot I dropped a litte nut off of the intake plenum into the engine area. I heard it kling around on the way down. I already took a good amount of stuff off to get to it, but no luck so far. The next step is to take the belts/timing belt cover off to look for it. :Idiots
I don’t have a magnet handy right now, I’ll buy one tomorrow.
Any other tips/tricks to avoid taking a bunch more pars off?


Just flip the vehicle upside-down and shake it.

able to spray with a hose to possibly knock it to the ground?

Tried it, It’s a little too heavy…

If I had an air hose here, it would be a great possibility.

Where’s Emmanuel when you need him?

Unless I’m thinking of the wrong guy, this guy is stronger

Use canned air/keyboard cleaner.

pretty sure youve got the wrong guy here.

Yea, Emmanual aint got shit on me. lmao

Oh. I remember a VR4 owner posting that he was moving some crazy weight.

well you must be heavy on the juice then, especially within the last two weeks since Ive seen you

I think you’re thinking of Sean August (DJAuggie), he was strong, but HUGE in the wrong kind of way.


reassemble car, turn car on, bang off the limiter,??? = profit

Seriously, that has to be scary as hell seeing something drop into the engine. Hope you find it man.

dj auggie lost a ton of weight last i knew, but he was a monster before his series of injuries.

and sully, you never let me down. just when things are looking out for that car, you go and do something like this.

sounds like me!!!

yeah but you dont drop things in the engine, you just like to build your fuel system 3 or 4 times, only to want a completely different pump setup halfway through the season.

You’re thinking of OnebigMofo I think.

you at your house? I can run something over to you quick…