For all those attending WOW

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
That works. We just need Co-chees’s Go ahead blessing :smiley:
we’ll just tell them they have to!!!:scared:

Originally posted by Pewterss
we’ll just tell them they have to!!!:scared:

I wans’t worried about the women. They always want attention. I was talking about the OK from Whitey :smiley: :cool:

pewter, orangess, whitey etc… you guys wants some pirates fest passes? i’ll bring a bunch down and leave them with one of yall at the pittspeed section. they are good for one day this weekend. I fugured if you get bored sittin there you could stroll down to Pirate fest since its at the convention center too.

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
I wans’t worried about the women. They always want attention. I was talking about the OK from Whitey :smiley: :cool:
thats true,cause i think he maybe:greddy: with pink car & all!!!:smiley: :tounge: :tounge: :tounge:

i can get any pice of clothing you want… the graphics guy will print the logo on everything… possibilitys are endless

Originally posted by Pewterss
i’ll get one for my wife to & make them wear tongs & bend just a little!!!:cool:

x2:D :bigthumb:

Originally posted by whitey
i can get any pice of clothing you want… the graphics guy will print the logo on everything… possibilitys are endless
on the string of the tong!!!:smiley:


hey whitey can you save me two orange stickers

i want a yellow sticker

save me a white one for my regualry red car what time are u guys staying at wow til?

whitey ill give you some money for shirt at wow on sunday…

and ill get some stickers for the garage and six…

as for the shirt… just ship me one when they get made again…

i’ll see you guys sunday…i want a blue sticker.

i would like to get a skull cap. I think that some other people mentioned the same thing.

Hey Whitey–

I think Jackie, Megan and I are gonna get the boy shorts we talked about w/ pittspeed across the back of them…

Originally posted by Mitsugrl97
Hey Whitey–

I think Jackie, Megan and I are gonna get the boy shorts we talked about w/ pittspeed across the back of them…
:cool: :cool: :cool: Good Choice…