For anyone into 3D modeling... MudBox

Has anyone ever used this package before? I messed with it a few months back (before autodesk picked it up) but it was pretty buggy. The new version is rock solid though so far.

Even for those with no real interest in solid modeling, it’s a very cool program to learn and play around with if you have any artistic ability. It’s very much like photoshop… it uses layers, stamps, patterns and brushes but per face opposed to a 2D work plane. The next version is supposed to have the ability to paint textures along with rendering, plugins, and more.

edit: it makes some crazy large models though, the great thing about this program is once you have, lets say, 5 subdivision layers setup you can scale it back down to a lower polygon count and still keep all the fine detail from the higher poly layer. Once it’s modeled, you can save the fine detail information in a bitmap (normal/bump map) and apply it as a texture in any common 3d modeling application. You get the detail you’re looking for, as well as a very efficient low polygon model

Try the trial, it’s a pretty small download :tup: Follow a basic starter tutorial to get to know the controls and how it works and the sky is the limit.

I wanna play :slight_smile:

ya know Tom, I thought of you when I got this.

I want to see an Alien modeled in this… you have 3 days. lol

Wow, that is pretty cool. If it’s capable of exporting to 3ds, or some other more common formats I’ll be rather interested.

yup… max and maya.

sure beats trying to do any organic modeling in max IMO

Seriously, that shit is a pain in the ass.

give it a shot man, it’s pretty easy to pickup and crazy powerful :tup:

i will have to play with this later today. i like that concept better than polygons and vectors.

I better get started, fawk

if any of you guys mess around with it, post the results :tup:

just a heads up, if you want to try an even nicer program (IMO), give Zbrush a shot. The interface isn’t as simplistic but it’s fairly easy to use once you get the hang of it and it’s very very powerful. It has all of the features that mudbox is missing… I’ll post some work I’ve done later.

I also highly recommend getting a tablet for it if you’re really serious about it. The level of control and accuracy it gives you is insane.