for everyone needing a job with no experiance

hell ya that would be sweet

LOLLLLLL I think I’ve seen that one.

at least you got the ghetto part of your name right

Go get some formal training? Go to school. If you’re already good at it, you should be able to blow through it like nothing and have some training to get you a real job.

ughh ehhhh, i r nervous. :meh:
i’z bad at t3h mathematics required for formal training in computer programming.

Yeah I such @ teh math too, and I has to take it for my degree too. The trick is to take it with a friend who is good at math and have them help you out lol.

Gotta suck it up and do it sometime if you wanna make a decent living.

well then at least put on a suit, take out the piercings, and attempt to style your hair for a few hours for an interview, you might squeak by

I’ll prolly go fur graphic design then, all my friends went off too college without me.

But…i feel like Christian Bale from American psycho.

lol lip piercings.

i shouldn’t talk…i had snakebites. I did take them out to get a real job though. :frowning:

Just an FYI… to do graphic design you also need to know proper grammar/spelling. It’s very rare to find a graphic design job that doesn’t also require at least a shred of copy writing.

Most of your clients will not want their ad to read: “Our product will prolly do fur you.”

Edit: Get a portfolio together. Even if you don’t have proper training, a great portfolio is key to getting your foot in the door. I do graphic design full time and I never took a single class.

hahah, I have proper grammar, I’ve just been making a lot of “Caturday” pictures, which involve using shitty grammar as too convey the speech of said cat. hahaha

But I get your point.


thread pwns by post 5

jesus christ i’m gonna shit myself