Seriously, I might buy it :tup:
Holy. Shit.
sydeshows, doughnuts, figure-8 pimpin, christian newman and the federation…
calling all hustlers…calling all players, please report to your scrapers
this was on the assault dvd, looks dumb
id go sydewayz and dumb
i love watching that white camaro blast that nigerian :headbang:
i like the 2 fbods hitting each other at the very end… :lol:
when ya get a new car, and ya feelin like a starr whatcha gona doo?? ghost ride it
none of them are ghostridin andy. wrong scene… this is the SYDESHOW y0
wow did i spell that wrong the first time
ghost righting?
come back when you know what your talking about
but you do kinda have me there is no ghostridin, but there should be, and i just happeneed ot be listening to that song at that time
1:28 into the vid…i was convinced that i must own it…
because the subtitles contained:
“You see that shit!?!”
and :lol: as well to the “if you get a ticket, deserve it” comment…
Just great…i cant wait for “The Fast and the Furious 4: Sydesh0w”