for our miltary men in this forum

That was touching.

yeah it is dude . most of my family was and still is milatary

great stuff

its disgusts me how many fought and died for the generation of haters that walk free in America today.

< approves this thread!

  • Rep!

here is a video (pictures) of my unit when I was in Iraq, this is when we re-took Fallujah after insurgents were running wild in the city after the initial war.

Nice video man… thanks for serving.

I respect all our soldiers, my cousins over in the middle east on a black hawk right now

Heres my video!/video/video.php?v=148733828473454

i was in the Gulf during the retake of Fullujah

haha nice, yea there is another video of actual footage of that operation, not my unit but another Marine unit we worked with while kicking in doors.

Here is the link just so you all can get a better idea of what we went through over there…pretty intense shit.

Thanks for keeping us safe folks. You do something some of us are too chicken to ever think about raises hand.

I haven’t gone anywhere, but on behalf of my friends who have; Thanks for giving a shit.

Thank you for your service!

When i was in seattle last week… they actually had Buck from Band of brothers there to raise the 12th man flag. They did a video tribute too, it was really nice.

Im stationed about 45min south of Seattle and they didnt even tell us about this…I deff would have gone.

for those that have and/or do still serve thank you.

Thanks for all youve done and for all you will do in the future.

Yah man… it was great. Heres an interview they did with him.

Also… to those of you who enjoy war movies/documentaries, Restrepo is on nat geo on demand and I highly recommend watching it. Shit gave me chills.