for sale: k24,turbo,intercooler, etc.

i have for sale a k24 motor, i dont know much about k series and id rather just sell it and get the cash for it, asking 1300.

Also a Garrett 60 trim, in great shape, i had it on my civic and crx its been an awesome turbo- 350 Turbo manifold in great shape, about 1000 miles on it, 200 Spearco front mount, its dirty in the picture but in very good shape, works perfect, i made 300whp out of it, im sure it can handle more - 200

k series price is good.but dont you tink the prices on the turbo stuff is kinda high.

manifold is on ebay for 160 pushing it and its used ide offer 100 for it.
turbo is garrett so it holds it value ide say 175 pushing it
and fmic 100

the manifold is a little high yes, but its a great manifold, it was cut - rewelded its very strong and basically brand new, but im open to offers, the turbo is in perfect shape, it has maybe a total of 3000 miles on it, new 60 trims are about 500-600 so i dont think thats unreasonable, and you wont find a spearco front mount on ebay for 100 bucks, so i really dont think 200 for a spearco is to bad either, but hey im open to offers, in reality im selling everything to get a new shell, so if anyone has one ill give them all the turbo shit, and the k24 and some cash if needed

what does the manifold fit… B or D series?

b series