For the Fabbers: DIY CNC Metal Mill

Ladies and gentlemen, you’re looking at Krazykids next project.

lots of good reading. I have something to do today now.

LOL how did you know. :lol

Because “you would”. :lol

Unless you’re doing hobby/RC type crap it’s far too small for anything serious in the automotive industry. Lacks the required rigidity and power to machine anything other than non ferrous materials. Lacks the weight to dampen harmonics, which means you’d be taking super small cuts with the machine. Coupled with the feeble tooling capacity it just equals frustration i the end. I could go on and on.

There’s a reason why good/proper CNC machines cost money. My newest cnc gantry head was over $15K, on sale, WITHOUT any spindle motor or VF drive. In the end all setup it’ll be about a $30K machine and even that’s on the cheap end in the CNC world. If I wanted to go ATC with it that would add another $15-20K for an ATC and appropriate TC spindle motor.

If one is looking for actual CNC work save the money and buy a real machine, or just outsource. Not trying to sway one from getting into it, but believe me it’s a complete waste of time and money to go this route especially if you have to outsource the machine work to make all the parts for the thing.

Always the party pooper with your realistic views on things and expertise to back it up ^ :tongue

I got to talk to you about a basic fabbing project, involving a bike :ninja

Adam, not everyone is EGON!

good cncs arent cheap at all…my fadal with tools cost nearly 150k