For those of you that like TBSS's

the mr2 would be a perfect lsx swap candidate


John has PMS

But this thing is used, and unfortunately most domestics don’t hold their value. I’m sure it cost a ton to build, but it’s still a used car, ya know?

Yeah its used, but someone somewhere wanting to build the same thing will scoop it up. And who says domestics dont hold their value??

Id give em 20k for it

:rofl You would too!

Kdubs - you’re reppin our TBSS’s hard on the shift forums, good work lol.

Yea, but a lot of people also want to build vehicles their own way with their unique touches to it. Look at what happens when local people buy other locals’ cars. Everyone always says “oh that’s _______'s old car!”

NADA, KBB, Galves, dealerships, JD Power and Associaties, Consumer Reports…
Need I go on?

this made me lol. anything with an LSX in it has “insane potential”. silly face.

As this is true with MOST domestics certain ones are going up in value or holding their own … Since the TBSS was discontinued the value has acctually been going up… just sayin…

lol I do what I can :slight_smile:

haha… :tongue

Hey by the way did I see you on Route 9 last night in Loudonville you were going towards Albany?

Anyone watch Pass Time? They had two SS’s run on there, a while one I remember stood the tires about 6 inches and HAULED. wasnt 9’s but it was mid 10’s IRC. the other was awd and was just as fast. I was impressed.

yep… they are from out west and on the tbssowners site… the RWD is actually pretty sweet the work done on it is top notch… both are daily driven…

Really? Were you in your truck? If so I’m shocked I didn’t notice you. If it was around 9:30ish I was just leaving class at Siena.

HAHA it was right around then… I didn’t get out of work until about 9:15 so yea it was right around 9:30… We were in my truck driving home the long way lol…

So is your $68K R34…

I could go down the street and pick up a Trailblazer SS…Can’t say the same about an R34 where there are what, ~24 in total in the United States? I’d take a $68,000 R34 Skyline over some overpriced Chevrolet Blazer.

Also considering his R34 is actually under priced for what they tend to go for…

I didn’t say the R34 wasn’t worth $68K. You miss my point…

…there are less 8-9 second TBSS’ in the world than there are R34’s in the U.S.

Then what was your point? You could’ve just said his R34 is a used car as well…which I really wouldn’t say it was a used car, more of a collector’s item. Mentioning his asking price made it sound like you were calling him out on his R34 being an “over priced used car”.

Also, yes, there may be less 8-9 second TBSS’ in the world than R34’s in the U.S…That’s because there’s only a select few owners willing to put forth the effort. The rest of the owners are grandpa’s and soccer moms who wanted the top of the line…

My point was that being a used car shouldn’t always be a reason to discount a vehicle’s value. Like you said yourself, rarity, market and appeal also play a strong part in a vehicle’s selling price.

No need to get your panties in a bunch. I said in his FS thread that the car was beautiful and a great deal. There should be no reason for you to get defensive for him.

Also; I agree, grandpas and soccer moms can have nice cars too…