For those of you that remember my Joe Comstock thread read this.

lol…it wont be until about 4:30. looked like no one was there when i drove by, but never know.


waiting for pics!

its 4:30:bump:

well, i tried twice to get a pic and it came out too blurry. with traffic and no place to really pull over it was difficult…so i took a short vid. quality isnt great, but you can still pause it to get a still shot…its much worse in person where you can see better angles…its fucked from front to back. if you stop it at 8 seconds, you can kinds see how pushed in the whole side is.

holy shit, I dont know what is funnier, you taking a video or how fucked the shitvic was

lol…he lives right around the corner from me, its the least i could do LOL.

:2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :2fingers: :lol: :lol: :lol:


nice job …

someone has to stop by at 3am and write “theives always get their comeuppins” in the paint with a screwdriver

for anyone too that dont want to play the vid…

hahahaha nice ( i like how the owned matches the gay paint)