April 22, 2009, 7:58am
berad and NDA2001, you guys are missing the point. Nobody here afraid of a time slip, and nobody trying to get around the rules by running slicks and trailering. Maybe you should read the posts more carefully. The point is that if you’re NOT going to trailer, and to follow the rules drive to/from the event, distance is an issue. SOME of us have hand built custom cars that we’ve put tens of thousands of dollars into and that we don’t want to thrash for hours of driving just to get to an event, and then the same to get back. When you’ve got Tri-Coat PPG paint that materials alone cost $1k/gallon on the complete bottom of the car, coated exhaust, etc, those miles add up. Driving 30-45 minutes to get to a strip is one thing. Driving at least 3 hours round trip is something else. When I do that it’s called “Power Tour”, not FLD. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you ought to think about the guys like me that have really carefully built 44 year old cars into customs and want to have fun with them too. You know, not everyone has a 6 year old Honda. BTW, I’d be more than willing to put some hard cash betting that I’ve spent WAY more time collecting slips at strips… starting more than 30 years ago. No fear here.
No. You are missing my point, which is this:
If the FLD’s are so troublesome and problematic for you and they deny any offers of help, why not just let them fail? Don’t go. It’s easy.