For you computer graphics/rendering nerds..

what rendering programs do you use? I’m looking to get a hold of a good rendering program that’s compatable with Rhino3d.

In particular… Flamingo raytracing or 3DStudio are the ones i’d like to play with. Here’s some examples of obects drawn in Rhino and rendered with Flamingo:

anybody have a copy?

lol why didnt you just ask me

because you don’t use them?

okay…it’s official… everybody… EVERYBODY on NYSPeed sucks.

lol, perhaps you should put this in the huge nerd corner and someone can find it for you… :gay2:

not everybody that’s does computer design/graphics is a C++omputer n3rd. :roll:

Yeah well the people who probably have it / can get it for you are :slight_smile:

i can get it, actually i might already have it somewhere.

I went to school for this shit, too bad that was years ago and I am not up on the new software… oh well.

@rem = '–-Perl-
@echo off
if “%OS%” == “Windows_NT” goto WinNT
perl -x -S “%0” %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
perl -x -S %0 %*
if NOT “%COMSPEC%” == “%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe” goto endofperl
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#line 15
eval ‘exec perl -S $0 “$@”’
if 0;

hahahaha… you and your dead baby jokes jack. That was a good one…I just told it to somebody i work with, but they don’t get it. :tup:

Discreet 3D Studio Max V7.0

want it?