video worked I’m going to log off right after this post drive to the local catholic church start giving them 10% of my income before taxes, make my wife quit her job and stay home to have 10 kids. God bless America
On a serrious not there is some cause for concern that certain European nations could become Muslim dictatorships a long way down the road. They tolerate the pressence of radical Islam more then America does. That and the fact that some European nations do actually have an official state religion and we do not in America…Either way arguing about this is moot it’s kinda like a tidal wave or train wreck. You can see the warning signs and watch it happen, but are powerless to stop it.
no muslim extremists are going to take over any european country and make it become sharia law with a sultanate. that’s been the US’s job since WWI.
haha… please define “radical islam” because I see radical muslim’s being the people who use the religion to their own advantage in order to turn people into human bombs and surely they would not tolerate that.
I love crazy Youtube videos. Freemason, Illuminati, FEMA, blah blah conspiracies kill me.