she has no fucking income and chooses to have 14 kids… she doesnt deserve a fucking dime. fucking feeding off us taxpayers. sorry to the mods for swearing
she has no fucking income and chooses to have 14 kids… she doesnt deserve a fucking dime. fucking feeding off us taxpayers. sorry to the mods for swearing
welcome to 3 weeks ago.
yeah and this is nyspeed, being able to swear is what makes it so great.
you fucking jacknigget
wtf is a jacknigget?
This is also the lady that is actively trying to mimic Angelina Jolie. Fucking whackjob.
a couple of her kids are retarded to boot
move to NY thats where the welfare is!!!
Patterson FTW!!
i am well aware however she insisted that she didnt want any help from anybody anddidnt want govt assistance
Then maybe she should move to Serajavo or something.
She might not want it, but even before these kids she had already received $165000 in assistance.
And she doesn’t need to move to NY because she’s already in CA, the other completely fucked up state when it comes to welfare. Hell, CA paid to put those six embryos in her when she already had no job, no husband, and six other children.
Ethics aside, everyone involved should be shot. Of all the fucked up, unnatural, just plain bad ideas that anyone has ever come up with, this is just fucking icing on the cake. May God be with her kids, not that they have a chance at a normal life.
They didn’t just pay to have 6 embryos implanted.
The way I read it, they paid to have 6 embryos implanted EACH time she had in vitro fertilization.
In a portion of an NBC interview, broadcast Friday, Suleman said she had six embryos implanted for each of her in vitro pregnancies, using the same sperm donor and fertility specialist
Which is why her doctor is now under investigation too.
I thought so. They show a few before pics and her face looked…normal
and now shes on TV and has huge lips. SO big she talks funny now. Wonder how she paid for those…
but not as bad as this
she apparently also has a website up accepting donations. :banghead:
FRY LOL @ the statement “Ethics aside, everyone involved should be shot.”
lol, good call. :ham:
i will be sure to except her from any of my donations.
Yeah, this lady makes people like me, who actually support most forms of welfare as a necessary social safety net, cringe.
And sympathize with Republicans.
:word: I have absolutely no sympathy for people who have kids in inappropriate situations. If it was up to me, if you had a kid while you were already unemployed, you’d get nothing except a punch in the ovary.
Oh but wait…
Home of octuplets’ grandmother in default
Notice shows payments behind $23,225; house could be sold at auction