Drug testing for welfare recipients in FL.

Florida governor defends measure requiring drug tests for welfare


What’s your take

More governing an answer?

Will it solve anything?

Is it cheaper to provide welfare for people instead of fighting increased criminal activities?

Should this be mandatory nation wide?


the only ones getting mad, are the ones that are going to lose there free ride

Oh to add fuel to the fire, testing costs money… paid by your average “middle class” employee, if there is such a thing anymore.

I personally think this should be a nationwide requirement.

this should be nationwide, im tired of the poor fucks that COULD do something about getting off of welfare but knowingly choose NOT to do anything because they dont want to. they just do drugs, commit crimes etc… im all for people using this if necessary, but some people make it there living to stay on welfare and go through life on other people expenses. its bullshit

So what you guys want is our taxes to be directed at something that will be easily avoided by some and just lead others to crime?

As well as more power to the Fed gov’t?


You are trying hardddddd to get this shit to blow up.

yes, very well put Vlad, thank you

Until somebody gets in here who actually agrees with that side, yes :rofl

I just feel bad for the kids.

Usually I’m against more gov’t control but the welfare system has been abused over and over again.i’m sure people are tired enough of drug users/dealers feeding off welfare checks and medicare to take this measure.

the testing is only paid for by “us” if they pass.

Drug testing hasn’t been the most accurate thing in the world you know as far as people getting around it.

So many of them will fail that even if the testing costs an arm and a leg we will save money

get rid of welfare…yea i said it.

welfare should be regulated just like foodstamps on what you can spend it on.

You do realize that it doesn’t matter what items are outlawed on food stamps, right?

Can’t buy a $10 pack of cigarettes or a scratchoff? Buy $10 worth of food with the foodstamps and use the $10 you just saved to buy items that you can’t buy directly.

i couldn’t possibly agree with you more. +rep if i can.

I’m all for welfare when people need it who are down on their luck but to abuse it like some people do it is completely wrong. Sure people are going to find ways around the drug testing to pass it but there’s still going to be a measurable amount of people who will not pass the drug test and lose their aid. I’m all for this and it should be made a nationwide thing.

It’ll be like jobs that require drug testing: after a while, people won’t even bother applying because they know they won’t pass. Either that or they will argue that their addiction is a sickness, so they need it even more than people off of drugs.