60 million-Wat?

Today Im Working to support welfare, wtf is wrong with this government ?! 60 million in “free cash” for the welfare for “school clothes” when we all know it is not going to be spent for that. At a time when we are supposedly in a “financial crisis” ya real smart, way to go NY, another reason why I am proud to be a NY resident…NOT!:Idiots

Also if any of you watched the news last night, did u see the lady with the 5 kids, at 200 a kid she just got a free $1000.00 for being on welfare! She showed off like 3 pairs of new “fresh” nike’s, nice to see where my hard earned tax money gets spent:banghead



I hate our government, this is not what our founders setup this country as.


Do you have to have kids to get the free money?
Can’t I just have some? I mean, I need new freshy freshness too.

I have no problems with people who NEED gov funds. My only beef with the system is that your average worker has to pass a drug test to get/keep a job, and yet people recieving my tax dollars from the gov can do all the drugs they want. I think if you collect welfare, you should have to pass a drug test just like you would for a job. If you can’t, then you should be required to seek some kind of treatment to recieve funds. IDK, just my opinion

first of all - There is no such thing as someone who NEEDS government funds.

second of all - There should be no welfare! At all, period. If you need money, get a fucking job or become a prostitute. i could give a fuck.

third of all - Someone needs to control rediculous insurance companies and the health care system if thats what you want to call it… why should you GO see the doctor when you are sick and he is fine??? makes no sense. they don’t need to get rich cause i’m half dead.

I agree about the drug tests for people on welfare. The people should be tested at random or even monthly at first to get all the scumbag freeloaders out.

As long as we make them pay for the drug testing.

But I mainly agree with Wayne.

um i have question… WHYTHE FUCK DO YOU PEOPLE FEEL ITS OK TO PAY FOR OTHERS TO LIVE!!! Fuck em, if they fail at life they die or move and there is more space and cool shit for the rest of us who DO contribute.

America = pussies.

paging 88slwmarro

Very true. If these social workers took their jobs seriously, they would get these pieces of shit through a GED class and get their ass into shape. You knwo whats fucked up, I bet most of us here with decent jobs, can find a way to get on welfare if we really wanted to. the doors are wide fucking open, and as we can see it doesnt take a rocket scientest to walk through them. They definatly should have more welfare investigations, fuck you should have to submit a reciept to the GOV to prove what you are buying is NEEDED to survive. I dont think Ebay coil springs, and G-Unit sneakers are required to stay afloat.

Dam right there shouldnt be any assistance. Crime might go up here and there, but I bet the gang bangers killing eachother over $100 woth of drugs, will even the population back out. Life isnt easy, if you make it that way. Set goals, milestones and reach for it. Dont stand in line, and take a check. It honestly isnt that hard to pass highschool. and even a comunity college, is a cake walk, as long as you attend and pay attention. spend 2 years as an adult and get a college education, and you can make decent money. Think about how half the trash got here, they take the easy way out, jump a fense or ride a boat… becasue they cant hack it where they came from, means that if they dont change their ways here in america THEY ARENT GOING TO HACK IT HERE EITHER.

$160MIL NYS is spending on this, thanks to the crosseyed :retardclap. Thats not even the dumbest part of it… the rest of the :retardclap’ed NYS gov people said, they could use that money to get us out of the big billion dollar debt… that 160 mill doesnt even scratch the surface.

“The new welfare grant would be given regardless of whether a welfare or food stamp recipient complied with work and other requirements, and even if a child wasn’t enrolled in school, attending school, or had dropped out.”

right from http://www.nysenate.gov/


Its all just politics honestly, a couple months ago, my fridge shit the bed and our landlord took over a week to replace it, all of my food was lost and we had just went and spent alot of money on food, so I didnt have any more money to replace it, so I figured well Ive never relied on the goverment,but I really need the help right now, so I went down there and surrounded myself with ppl with blinged out iphones and expensive clothes waiting in line for welfare, I was only there to apply for a 1 time working family benefit, meaning they would only give me helpe once, just so I could replace lost food, after supplying all of my paystubs, I was denied because I made $13.02 too much a month! and they based my income on my Gross pay which is bullshit, I dont even get no wheres near what I make gross. This is just a example of how retared it is, If I had no job and was a freeloader I would have gotten help, but because I work and support all the freeloaders when I needed help I didnt get it.:retardclap

awesome i love it. this country is so fucked.

statistics show 1 in 9 million americans are on some form of government assistance based off the recent studies that showed a total of 34million americans have assisted living claims filed.

I am sorry to hear that. But you mentioned it was a few months ago, and your still alive and kickin… so more power to you for figuring it out how ever you did. It does make me sick, when i was unemployed for 2 months NYS called me to come meet with their “job seekers”. I was greeted by a rude, lady who couldnt speak english, only after I stood there for 10 minutes, behing one person. that one person was talking in spanish to the lady at the front desk, and they were laughing and having a grand old time, so I know it wasnt “bussiness relaited”. I finally sat with some 300+ fat guy, who tried to impress me with his old usless knowledge about some old programing language, and he said he has all these IT certifications and blah… within the first 5 minutes I could tell he doesnt know shit about computers and couldnt hold a “IT” job, hense the reason he is behind a desk helping me “find a job”… worthless waste of time. While I was waiting for this slob, some ghetto thug all blinged out, carries in a 1-2 year old, his babys momma has another little shit screaming and yelling on her hip, and another “check in the oven”… they go there and get free diapers and a booklet of shit… both of them dressed in Roca wear and nicer shit that i wear.

I got called back from them to have me come back and sit with the guy again, I told them flat out I will not set foot in that shit hole. Some manager tried to talk to me, and I told them basicly what i stated above, and said look I could careless if you kick me off unemployment… I save my money and dont need, it and the only reason I was on it was to finally get back some of the money I wasted from my paycheck back from this shit ass goverment.

I bet, I could work 40 hours a week, sneak around and investigate atleast 10 “assisted familys” easy, a day. File my paper work and go home. So I figure America needs to employ 680,000 people atleast to “filter” these claims.

Hey guess what, all you suckers are paying for me to go to school…so you’re all kind of like my parents. Thanks mom and dad, I’ll be sure to smoke the refund at the end of the year :rofl

Okay so heres someone from the other side…

I recieve disablity. I get roughly $700 a month, for me and my 4 year old daughter. Does that count as welfare? I have to sell shit on ebay, and do side work to beable to afford my living. I am in HUD housing, which helps, but I still am scraping by to make it for a month. And its not like I blow the money on cars, I have had my cars for 3+ years, before I was put into this fucking wheelchair. So IDK, I def support drug testing if on welfare, I have no problem with that. I just wish they would recheck on some of these people. Its not fair that I barely make it, when theres dirty basterds buying drugs and shit they dont NEED to live.

EDIT: Also I am waiting on a settlement from GE, for fuking up my legs… But you know as soon as I get that there gonna take taxes out of it, and boot me off disablity… So whats 3 years of not being able to walk or run with your kid worth?

I hate everyone

Taken from Fox 23 :

“Critics like Republican Assemblyman Jim Tedisco say while they are all for helping educate children, they believe giving the money directly to individual families opens the door to potential misuse.”

Assemblyman Jim Tedisco/R-Glenville: “What they should have done maybe is just send it directly to the schools or have a voucher system so we make sure it gets to the children. It makes no sense whatsoever just to throw money out there without any accountability.”

In a statement, Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos called this a welfare giveaway and an irresponsible use of stimulus money as the state faces a $2 billion deficit.

I agree 100% with them.