PJB's Life Theories: Welfare, piss tests, and abortions...(Split)

fuck that. I dont want to be in charge of this backwards country. Although if it happened the first thing on my agenda would be doing something with the welfare system.
Mandatory drug tests and mandatory birth control/abortions for ‘breeders’. No more free rides for pieces of shit that can and should work but are too fucking lazy to do so.

Cant afford a kid? Well then fuck you, youre not having one.

Mandatory abortions

OMG that would be talked for forever. Most controversial thing I have ever heard.

I fully support it

florida tried the mandatory drug testing, it ended up costing them more money. good job pjb your on the right track.

might cost a little at first but the real savings are in not giving Jamal and Shaniqua a welfare check and foodstamps each month.

Fuck, give some of those welfare sucking bottom feeders jobs as piss testers.

They should simply require 20 hours a week of mandatory volunteer work in order to recieve welfare. Like soup kitchen, homeless shelters, road clean up and so on

they actually used to do that. I had an aunt that was a worthless piece of shit and when she was younger she had to work at the county nursing home to earn her welfare check. Dumb bitch didnt realize she was supposed to get a job.

Figures somebody like that would live to 90 something feeding off the system.

^ bingo.

Still need to reinstate it IMO and get these lazy fucks off their asses and earning my money.

do you do any research or just say whatever you feel is the truth?

if its the later ill just ignore what you say about politics. if its the former, get better research methods.

answer that question and then i will decide if i’m responding to this or not.

The truth is whatever people make it in their head.

Why bother researching when it’s likely to disagree with your “truth”.

I’ll probably split this later tonight. Could get interesting.

Split? There’s so much of this “stuff” here on the forums we’re going to need a “Conspiracy Theory 518” section at the rate they’re posted.

no, whatever people believe in their head is what they believe. just cause someone believes it doesn’t make it the truth.

I just say what I believe. No sense in researching something that probably cant even be researched.

How would it cost more to stop paying these pieces of shit as compared to cutting them a check each month for doing absolutely nothing? I mean if us tax payers arent supporting them and giving them food, money and free rent how would that cost anybody anything?

Ok so paying them minimum wage to test piss might cost a little but you make it up by not paying anybody that fails the piss test.

It can be researched lol.

I love you.

You amaze me.

on point…

…cause nobody ever cheated on a piss test :rofl

Waste of government money just about the same as a gun regulation. These people can cheat the system, they sure as hell can cheat a drug test.

Ironically most of the states that support that new regulation the politician will be the one taking in the money from the test… causing… wait for it… corporate welfare.

So let’s not waste money one way, lets waste it another way! Brilliant solution.

24 hour quarantine on them then. Make them change into government issued clothing and sit in a room for 24 hours.

Full cavity search too.

Yeah!!! Detain them! Put them into their own little camps too!!

Excellent :number1

GO on…

I think they should be willing to do that for what they think theyre entitled to. Sometimes humiliation works in having people reconsider things.

Why should they just be given free money without putting forth some kind of effort?

Im not saying gas them like Hitler and the Jews, just make sure theyre not able to cheat a drug test by having somebody else piss for them or using one of those fake dick piss holder things.

I mean fuck I had to take a drug test to get a job and the piss test employee stood right by the door as I pissed and I wasnt even allowed to wash my hands or flush until I handed her a jar of piss. Thats for somewhere I have to work to get a check and not me just sitting on my ass smoking blunts and drinking 40’s and getting a check.