PJB's Life Theories: Welfare, piss tests, and abortions...(Split)

too bad the research in florida proved it costed the tax payers more money (that means you) when they implemented drug tests for welfare assistance, because it was also found out that people on welfare do drugs at a lower rate then the general population, and the state paid for every drug test that was negative.

but you think everyone on welfare doesn’t deserve it because you only get exposed to the negative side of it.

but yea can’t be researched, or it can be and has proven to backfire.

I fail to see whats so great about welfare. Theres a good side? Its supposed to be temporary assistance, not a career.

I know people that get tax returns on welfare checks. Youve got to be fucking kidding me. And they get thousands back.

It’s actually pretty tough to live off of welfare, PJB, that’s why they sell drugs too.

and lots of people have it because they need it.

lots of people use alcohol, that doesn’t mean that everybody who uses alcohol is an alcoholic

similarly, lots of people get government assistance, the vast minority of which abuse it, because laws.

Ok but your drug test wasn’t mandated or funded by the government/tax payers.

“Their” IE 20% of all recepients that stay on the program for longer than 7 months “entitlement” IE the the money they paid for in the past as Tax payers for rendering the same services to other people before they needed them.

What you want is for you to be able to decide where your tax money goes.

So the people who don’t drive won’t have to pay for roads, people that don’t like cops won’t have to pay for them and people who don’t like welfare won’t have to pay it either.

And then just in case the person who didn’t pay for cops all of a sudden needs cops will have to go through a financial background check to make sure they paid before sending them help.

This could only work well!

What PJB is saying, is he’s willing to MORE out of his paycheck to make sure others don’t get stuff. Thats dedication! There should be a business model for it.

Proof of this? You can’t get welfare if you make more then ~$12,000 a year.

I would love to see how much they pay in taxes that they get "thousands back.:

somebody I know has bought a few cars with her tax returns, spending $4k+.

2 kids for credits.

In 2009 the welfare payout for a family of 3 became $321 a month.

$321 x12 = $3852

Since basic math isn’t your forte

$3852 < “$4k+”

Go on with your theories… I’d love to hear more.

Edit: And thats PAYOUT, if it’s taxed at 10% that means they contributed a max of $385.20 dollars that they could get on a tax refund on if they had enough write offs.

I know a lot of scumbags and they always seem to play the system for all its worth. I’m not like that so I don’t know how to get more

Well it should be rather common knowledge. Find out how. It’s gotta be a glaring loophole in the system that thousands are taking advantage off. Shouldn’t be that hard to find out how to cheat the system.

Ask the “lot of scumbags” that you know, what’s the big secret to live like a king on welfare.


does reading pjb make you feel better about yourself?

Here is a theory.

Everybody who receives government funds gets drug tested. Politicians, state workers, companies that get grants (everybody in the company), military service men, police, firefighters etc. That way, none of your tax money will go toward druggie leechers.

BRB, gonna go start a drug testing company.

Why not?


jesus christ, you realize it’s fully legalized and regulated like alcohol in two states now, right?

Everything else like crack isn’t legal though

no its just really entertaining.

Some major points missing in this thread. Does it piss me off that people abuse the welfare system? Yes, to no end. When I was younger working at stewies, I had people come in and buy shitty snack food with their EBT card, then drop $50 cash on lotto. Happened all the time.

Would I like to see those people off the system yes. The problem with that is, there would be economic loss, NOT gain from doing this. Granted it would save the taxpayers some money, the amount of revenues going into local business by the MANY people living off of social welfare programs would cease, lowering incomes, revenues and sales tax to the state. Which means, higher prices due to less demand, higher taxes because the state has to make it up somewhere. Granted their are jobs out there, if you took everyone off welfare most would have a hard to near impossible time finding work. Most do not have the mental or physical requirements needed to make more than min wage and there are only si many jobs to go around. So now youll have increased crime rates, increased homeless rates, and the area you live in will become more costly to do so.

Is their fault they are leeching because they decided to drop out or do heroin or have 19 kids with the neighborhood cum dumpster, or that they lack the IQ or physical ability to work long term? Sure. But we are a civilized society. As unfortunate as welfare is it makes your life better, not worse. I wish it wasnt that way but it is, and no amount of bitching on shift will ever change that.

I will now end the furthest left idealism that I currently have and retreat back into my right leaning comfort zone. Good day.

I think at first there would be economic loss but if they worked that into putting money back into the tax payers wallets, especially the middle class the extra money they have will undoubtedly go back into the local businesses.

Example: I own my own property, completely own all of my vehicles and work 5-6 days a week making a decent income. Currently over 30% of my gross paycheck goes instantly to taxes , SS, disability whatever. I put a chunk away to savings pay all my bills and then at least $700 get pissed away over the next two weeks recreationally. Now abolish me supporting these ingrates and what is going to happen, I am going to save the same amount and have more money to piss away, maybe a new car, expand the plans for my new house raising property value and taxes benefiting the state/town/schools. The same thing is going to happen to everyone else who has a job and is comfortable and beyond that its going to happen to those who have job and are living paycheck to paycheck. Those people will actually get out now or quit their second or third job and open up other opportunities for people now forced to get a fucking job

Couple major points that bother me:

  1. There is no reason that unemployment should be available for benefits for 80+ weeks. That’s just rediculous. Too many people are able to claim it as well. ($420 a week to sit around or should I go get a job… hmm tough choice). Unemployment should be 4 weeks. If you cannot get a job in 4 weeks you need better motivation to do so.

  2. Welfare is needed. It’s heavily abused. We need a “WEA” or Welfare Enforcement Agency. People who drive around and watch people on the program. If you’re drinking all damn day, smoking week and buying lotto tickets… you are revoked from the program.

  3. Medicare. Our Medicare system is completely fucking broken. Bill Smith, who works for himself has to pay around $400 a month for healthcare because he doesn’t work for a company. Fine. Sally Rogers sits on her fat ass all day doing under the table work, gets free healthcare from the government and can keep popping kids out, racking up bills and basically pays nothing. There is too much hand holding and entitlement in this country. Noone owes you anything. Yes, there are legitimate reasons and people out there who really need this assistance and deserve it I agree with that. We need more strict guidelines on who can qualify for what. King Obama is lookin’ out for his voters.

speaking of unemployment I have been trying to hire for 3 position starting pay at $9 an hour plus commission and I can’t fucking give these jobs away.

Thats why I straight up laugh in peoples faces when they tell me they can’t find a job