PJB's Life Theories: Welfare, piss tests, and abortions...(Split)

i guess i need better motivation, because i am actively trying to get a job and can’t, and its been a lot more then 4 weeks and i’m a recent college grad, all things that say i should be able to get a decent job quickly.

i’ve also never been on unemployment in my life and if it wasn’t for my mom i’d be a homeless bum that none of u would know.

this just got too serious, i’m not even drinking wtf.

E, what type of work are you looking for?

You can’t find anything part time?

Yeah get a part time job and tell them you might leave at a moments notice for another job. They’ll definitely want to hire you and that’ll look great on your resume. :rofl

My gf has over 400 resumes/cover letters out, has had maybe 3 or 4 interviews and is currently working part time for $8 an hour.

Shes got a heap of relevant internships, a masters degree from st rose (4.0), and bitch can’t get a job to save her life. Nobody will even call back. It’s just the times we live in, all these kids with 100k+ debt and nothing to show for it and no prospects because no one wants to pay what they’re worth, and no one wants to hire them for less because they know they’ll bounce when the getting is good.

Shits weak

You’re actually completely wrong. People with kids can get many times more than they even pay during the year. I personally have gotten more back in federal taxes at the end of the year than i paid in… by a couple thousand dollars. Two kids, my (now ex) wife didnt work at all, plus i wasnt making much money at the time. I know many other people that have the same thing happen.

No welfare or any of that nonsense, so i dont know about that.

but now im divorced and make more money and pay in a ton every year.

skimmed through this thread, didnt read a ton…

i agree with pjb on alot of shit

welfare people should have to go in for WEEKLY drug tests, not just one… I know me personally, i would take 30 min out of my life once a week to have my bills paid for and other people would too.

there should be a certain amount of MONTHLY community service hours a welfare-ee should participate in… main reason people are on welfare is because they cant get a job, community service needs no interviews so they should have no problem. Disabled or elderlee welfare-ees should participate in online surveys or some kind of work that would help out the government in some way, at the very least, tests or home work or something along those lines.

I think all woman should be on mandatory birth control… if your collecting from the government, you cant take care of yourself which means you def cant take care of a kid… you get pregnant or refuse and your dropped.

Also agree with boost creep on the unemployment… while I think it should be given for maybe 12 weeks instead of 4 I think right now the term you can collect is absolutely retarded… 70% of people on unemployment make what there making or close NOT working so why the fuck would they go back to work? If you cant get a job in 3 months your either lazy or your expectations in the field you want to work in or pay you feel you deserve is too high.

agree with everything except for mandatory birth control, i believe supplying them with birth control would ultimately promote irresponsible behavior/prostitution, but i do agree with getting pregnant being grounds for termination of welfare services or at least not increasing benefits to the recipient (either way it would motivate people to strive harder to get a job or make themselves a better candidate for employers)

your right, but you also have to realize that birth control can be had for free anyway by going right to planned parenthood.

I have no issues with prostitution… 10-99 them and tax the fuck out of it. Make brothels legal. Get them off the street. Drug test them.

Obama made birth control FREE anyways… no more copays at the pharmacist… no reason now not to be on it.

IMO birth control and planned parenthood should not be taxpayer funded in any way shape or form, the problem with society is a fundamental lack of a sense of responsibility, but legalizing prostitution would be do-able as long as it could be successfully controlled, unfortunately all these good ideas dont mean shit if people have a strong belief that no matter how much they fuck their life up the government will fix it for them.

Good god the money you could make running a brothel.

Nevada has the right idea.

If there is one thing in this world I think everyone should agree on, its that birth control should be FREE for everyone. The less dumb cunts we have with dumb cunt kids, the better off this country will be.

i know what you’re saying but i do not agree that it should be free, as i said before the problem is more basic than the availability of birth control, its kids being raised with no values, morals, responsibility, or accountability. employer provided health insurance covers a huge portion of birth control, my girlfriend pays like 10 or 15 every 3 months for hers, nothing “should” be free. i also believe that anything you want or need in life must be earned, college education should cost money, unless you have served in the military, then it should be payed for 100%, birth control should cost money, housing as well, food etc… with everything having a price people would need to earn it weather it be through service or paying for it with money…but the last sentence of your post is fucking gold dude, my girlfriend shows me this dipshit she graduated highschool with, the girl has never had a job, has 2 kids by 2 different men, drives a brand new car and puts her kids in nicer clothes than i could afford, and here my dumb ass is waiting til i get my shit together and buy a home and settle down to raise a family, i need to quit working and start cranking out some kids lol.

This, the wife just picked up her prescription the other day, no copay or anything.

Problem is dumb bitches are exactly that, dumb bitches and even with it free still won’t get it or even take it.

What kind of job dude? I know a couple people looking for new jobs.

I will gladly keep paying my copay if it would reduce the amount of shit rats at freaking walmart.

Forreal doe- bitches are crazy. (most bitches) Why would you take BC and stop having kids when the gov’t is willing to give you MORE MONEY to pop another one out… ALSO- another fucking tax deduction for her too, which means MORE money back to that dumb bitch come tax time.


super rage. I hate being associated with dumb C words. I work harder than most people I know and there’s these assholes out there soaking up the system.

/ RANT- going back to the kitchen!

Fuel to the fire.

In the four months that Florida’s law was in place, the state drug tested 4,086 TANF applicants. A mere 108 individuals tested positive. To put it another way, only 2.6 percent of applicants tested positive for illegal drugs — a rate more than three times lower than the 8.13 percent of all Floridians, age 12 and up, estimated by the federal government to use illegaldrugs. Now might be a good time to remind folks that in the debate over the bill, Gov. Rick Scott argued that this law was necessary because, he said, welfare recipients used drugs at a higher rate than the general population.

The utter absurdity of this law is magnified when you realize how much it cost the state of Florida to run this program. The data released today shows that Florida spent $118,140 reimbursing the overwhelming number of Florida TANF applicants — 3,938 to be exact — who tested negative for drugs. That is far more than any money saved by the program, at a net cost to the State of over $45,000. And that’s only part of the cost to the state to run this program. There are also the administrative costs, staff costs, and, of course, the litigation costs. Furthermore, the testing program didn’t deter individuals from applying for help — an internal document about TANF caseloads revealed that, at least from July through September, the policy did not lead to fewer cases.

Spending more tax payer money to stop very few people from using government money to help the local economy. Brilliant.

I’m not completely wrong, you’re not realizing what you’re comparing. It’s not a tax return on a regular salary. It’s a tax return on a money given to you by the government to begin with.

What PJB is saying is that once you get paid out ~$4,000 by the government for welfare (an amount determined by the amount of kids you have to begin with) and you file the taxes it will give you ~$4000 again as a tax return. Giving you $8000 for the year.

As the only person truly familiar with taxes here Tracey should be able to verify or deny that claim.