PJB's Life Theories: Welfare, piss tests, and abortions...(Split)

rome wasnt built in a day and im willing to bet they did 1 single initial drug test, not weekly drug tests…

They did it for 4 months…

I love how the same people that argue that gun laws don’t work and criminals have all the ways in the world to avoid following laws and more regulation is stupid, will somehow be caught by the easiest thing in the world to cheat AFTER they already figured out how to cheat and milk the system :rofl

I bet they would find more drug use in Schenectady alone than they supposedly found in Florida

You just think the whole Schenectady is one big druggie welfare collecting crime ring don’t ya :rofl Sorry to let you know about this, but FL makes NY look good in drug use

Anyway PJB is nothing if not consistent :lol

have you been to Schenectady lately?

Paul you should really visit florida. its not just beaches and margaritas. Just by what I have seen in person I would rate florida far worse overall than NY as far as drug abusers go. And this doesnt include weed, I mean who really cares about that anyway.


I think a large portion of Americas drugs land in Florida anyway :lol

Cops have busted a few people i know up here that we’re flying to Miami to drive car loads of coke and heroin back up here.

NYS is a fucking saint compared to Florida in drug abuse…

Stats are old but you get the point. And NYS had at this time 2 million more people in population.

2001 Federal Drug Seizures

Cocaine: 7,359.4 kgs.
Heroin: 633.6 kgs.
Methamphetamine: 87.0 kgs.
Marijuana: 30,185.4 kgs.
Clandestine Laboratories: 33

2001 Federal Drug Seizures
Cocaine: 3,861.0 kgs.
Heroin: 801.5 kgs.
Methamphetamine: 12.3 kgs.
Marijuana: 2,658.0 kgs.
Clandestine Laboratories: 8

There are plenty of valid points to take the the Fl. drug testing but it was also severly flawed. The biggest one being that the drug tests were scheduled in advance, with that known it’s incredible anyone failed at all. It takes what, 48-72 hours for hard drugs like heroine to be out of your system to pass a piss test? So basically the system caught hardcore addicts and morons who couldn’t stay clean for a few days, not your average drug user.

So in other words, the people with no money and kids on welfare are using hard drugs recreationally instead of being addicted?

Alright, best case scenario, these “recreational” hard drug users stop doing them when the test becomes random because they really want to abuse the free system and keep getting paid. So the recreational drugs will have to go like they did during scheduled test.

So now we have a very expensive system of drug testing in place, wasting even more government money, yielding even less results and people still abusing the free system just now they are doing it “drug free”.

Everybody is happy?

Once again, brilliant solution. Everybody loves drug free “abusers”.

Not for nuthin you crazy bastards… but if a piss test has an end net cost of $3800+ annually, then we should open Piss518 and go into biz.

I’ll toss is some wacky shit for a moment:

I like the forced volunteer work…whatever it may be…raking the woods for all I care. Something. Same goes for jail…all labor…even if they are just stacking blocking, knocking them down and re-stacking. It would create jobs as Im sure some psychosis will come with that. Lets work on the lazy in this country somehow. Shit, even Benny works his ass off

I know they use prisoners to rake leaves at the Saratoga state park. Why not more places? Im sure theyre low level offenders and not murderers and rapists.

Are you fucking joking? Look at the name of the organization for fuck’s sake. PLANNED PARENTHOOD. It’s about responsibility and making sure a woman is healthy and it’s not about providing abortions that the rightwingers are describing.

My wife would go there when she didn’t have health insurance because they gave her BIRTH CONTROL at low cost and provided yearly exams at a sliding scale. GTFO with your nonsense.

Also PJB, a majority of people on welfare are White people, not “monkeys” as you would describe them. Food for though.

white black or green for all the fuck I care Im sick of supporting bottom feeders

Then move somewhere that you think is better where there are little to no bottom feeders…whining about it on Shift will not help the situation. You would have better luck writing your congressman.

Ill say this , jellies as far as drugs go there is more drugs in countryish areas than in the cities to a point ! Less places to do shit =drug use from boredom ! As far as the welfare system goes when used appropriately its a good program , when my first son was born my wife was on it for health care and wic cause I couldn’t afford it . When I got to my job now I could so it was a great fill in . I agree a lot of scumbags make a careered from it and its sick . Like the dumb cunt down the rd she has a nicer car , clothes , etc than I do and I see her swiping a food stamp card at Stewart’s gettin red bull and candy bars !!! But pay cash for the smokes and beer . Is the system flaud ? Sure is but it’s not gonna be any better .

i dont see why this hasnt been pointed out previously but there is a solution to the fundamental cost of drug testing to the state/government. the cost is passed along to the “pisser”. if you want handouts you are paying a set fee every month or so to continually piss in a cup and receive benefits. how much do those home drug tests cost? 10-15$ each? ok so that being the case you can actually turn this into a source of revenue. make the person requesting benefits pay $25/ test to cover costs of person administering the test. failure means revocation of benefits and never to be allowed to receive again in the future. in order to continue to receive benefits monthly you must piss monthly…and pay monthly. no out of pocket costs for the remaining tax payers and it gets people off drugs/welfare.

dont even get me started on illegal immigrants…

oh and BTW if you’re in our fucking country… the language is english. learn to speak it motherfucker or get the fuck out. i shouldnt have to press 1 for spanish, 2 for french, 3 for german, etc you get my point.

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