F this lady

The apocalypse is nigh.

I’m reading a biography of George Washington right now, and all I can say from what I’ve learned is that he is spinning in his grave at 6k rpm right now.

↑ Vtec just kicked in y0?

Let’s be honest, he has been since before he even died.

He hated the developing political party system in America. :frowning:


well yeah…future democrats in the making man.

I bet Jay loves how good you make republicans look.

aren’t/weren’t you on unemployment? you know that is a form of financial assistance, right?

psycho loser. That doctor should be stripped of his license.
Ethics and good sense escape these people so maybe we need a few more laws to micromanage this society of fucking morons.

Child services should take those kids away and she should be put in a labor camp to pay
for being a social parasite.

Oh come on. I know a republican or two mooching off the system.

Any noodz of her? Ah, fuck it, she looks like a blown out Alanis Morrisette.

To me what is crazy is that if your a single male with no kids that wants a vasectomy doctors won’t do it. But if your a single un-employed mother that already has kids, they will stuff 6 more in you just cause thats what you want.

Its awsome that the usual defenders of social programs are here. Maybe they can explain how we “have to” have these social programs because were so sophisticated. Maybe they can explain why the taxpayer is on the hook now for MILLIONS in hospital fees that this welfare bum racked up so she could do all of this.

1.) There weren’t limits in place to use them responsibly in this particular way
2.) She was a stupid bitch that exploited this fact
3.) No one around her was able to talk some sense into her.

I expect that this created enough backlash that this loophole will be corrected. IMO medicaid shouldn’t be paying for in-vitro at all. Don’t have a job or your own health insurance? You probably can’t support a kid. We’ll help you with your health needs, but no point exacerbating the problem.

I don’t think anybody would argue that the systems don’t need reform. But they have their place. Jeg is a good example. I’m pretty sure he’s been collecting unemployment since the fall, but from what I’ve read on here he’s gaining skills to qualify him for a new trade with a higher likelyhood of gainful employment. If that ends up working then it’s obviously a welfare success story.

How did we not see this coming???..


Have a couple more!

Which justifies the system that he disagrees with, and proves my point that it’s not all worthless.


Does that include the new rifle he’s buying while unemployed? :wink:

If he does get some training and get a better job yes, it’s a success. And I have no problem with that. Social programs have to exist to help people back on their feet. Unfortunately we have far too many people who are perfectly content to sit on their asses with their feet up while we dump millions on trying to get them on their feet.

What I have a problem with is listening to my mom bitch about the scummy side of my own family. Like my great aunt who got 900+ in HEAP money and let her fuel oil tank run dry. If you call for a fillup you have to pay for it, but if it runs dry and you’re completely out HEAP will give you more free fuel. Meanwhile she keeps her house 72 and doesn’t even have plastic on her shitty old windows. If you want HEAP money you should be required to install a thermostat that doesn’t go over 68, and HEAP will first send you the plastic shrink wrap for you windows and verify you installed it before you get a check.

Or how about my other aunt, who got all new doors and windows while unemployed, all paid for by the state, to only get a call saying there was $900 left that had to be used so she got a new driveway. I have no idea how a driveway falls under energy improvements for the poor, but I know for a fact she has a new driveway she didn’t pay for.

These are just two examples I have personal first hand knowledge of. Neither of these women are very bright so if they’ve figured out how to play the system this badly I can only imagine how bad it is on a statewide level.

In my ideal world in order to get any sort of social assistance you would have to sign over full control of your finances to the state. They would cancel your cable and tell you to buy a $5 antenna, cancel the cell phone, vacations and other entertainment aspects of your budget. No cigarettes or booze either, because if you have money for that you have money for food and don’t need food stamps. We’ll pay for alcohol counseling and the patch if need be. I’m sure we’ve all watched that little loophole dodge when people buy their booze and cigs with cash then ring up the food as a separate bill to pay with foodstamps. If you don’t want the government saying what you can and can’t buy, no problem, don’t take government handouts.

I’d vote for you. Don’t forget mandatory drug tests and proof that you are actively looking for employment.


I agree completely, though I like the system that’s used for Workers Compensation. Rather than paying a fixed amount, you get bills submitted, and if they’re “related” and “necessary,” they get paid. Otherwise, oh well.

A lot less involved than turning over complete control to the state, but the same effect. “Oh, you have a $500 phone bill because you were downloading videos all month long? We’re paying $39.99 + tax.”

That’s interesting but the problem is they’ve already spent the money with your system, at which point you’re going to pay for it because if you don’t it means next month their kid doesn’t eat, or they don’t have heat ect ect. It would still be a huge improvement over what we have.