Forbes 10 best and worst cities for commuters

Wow, you guys are special…

Hartford, CT. Love that city and so true. Even rush hour is easy to drive through.

I cant believe Buffalo, NY made forbes but its so true. There is little traffic here unless some dumbass hits a guard rail on the 90/290 or 90/33 interchanges and causes a backup

Holla! #1 Baby!

I’m surprised Chicago wasn’t on there anywhere…

Oh well. My commute is fine here, 35 miles in 30 minutes. Reverse commute FTMFW.

thats how i remember it…but if there is no 2nd number to compare it to like 66impalass example the croc must east the number so the proper way should have been $3k> assuming lack of number after the > is zero umm I think lol… i just confused myself

anyone else notice how beautiful all those other cities are… then there’s the buffalo pic… worthless

False, the symbol has to be before the number, in english we read left to right.

assuming lack of number is zero 3k is greater than 0

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one to notice!

Beautiful skies in all the pictures then there is GOTHIC Buffalo.
No lake front or sunset pictures, just concrete buildings.

I always notice stuff like this and my wife says I’m crazy.:tinfoilhat:

Atlanta fucking blows.
Buffalo has no traffic because everyone left.