Ford|GM Merger

Do you have a link that verifies this? The article clearly states UAW workers make $75/hr. I do not understand why this is hard to believe. If you look at how great their benefits are it sounds about right. It is not uncommon for a assembly line worker to take home over $100K in salary including overtime wages…So add in benefits and it sounds about right to me. I know this because I see these costs when working on budgets at the company I work for. You would be surprised what people make when you add in their benefits.

It comes off like you are trying to justify what a UAW worker makes. Yes GM (along with Ford and Chrysler) agreed to these contracts…but when there is always a threat of a huge strike what are you to do? They remind me of how the people in the hill district acted when the new arena deal was being made…trying to extort…get more than what they are owed. I do agree with you about the executives …it is unreal to make the money they make.

Not even going to comment on the oil company point you made…