There is a ton of old people that heart the buick tho.
Be_rad almost bought a Reindevous :kekegay:
No I know and agree, but I had to bust your balls because he’s G-Body to the grave.
good thing gm has free advertising like this :kekegay:
[ame=“”]YouTube - 2008 Z06 Corvette Burnout Corvettes at Carlisle[/ame]
Buick and Saturn are the only non-luxury GM marques putting out cars that aren’t tacky and dated the minute they hit the auto show floor.
The fender holes gotta go though.
I hope they all go out of business let capitalism do its thing. I owned a small business that went bankrupt the government didn’t help me. I also gained a ton of knowledge from the collapse and im coming back stronger then I could have ever thought I could have due to my increased knowledge. Its about time the big 3 stop being naive and face the facts that the products are garbage and the learn from there mistakes. Some people might say that tons of people will lose their jobs but they are forgetting the other car companies that are already using American labor and parts that the big 3 left for the dumps a long time ago for foreign labor. If you want an American car buy a toyota. All of the market segment lost by the big 3 failing will just be made up by the other car companies that planed for the future and didn’t base there companies on suv’s and not investing into product design and the future health of their company. It needs to be an example of if you fail you fail and mommy and daddy government isnt going to back you up with a guarantee of billions of dollars. If we continue this trend of bailouts of industry segments this will lead to eventual full on economic collapse because we are borrowing all of this money from foreign sources not just U.s tax payers. Thats my 2 cents agree with it or dont I dont care
That’s the nature of business in a Capitolist Society. They made poor business decisions and are now paying for it.:bigthumb:
and should we ever go to war, we’ll have no factories for production.
blind capitalism = fail.
I agree
i owned a pontiac, dodge, and ford and all had problems. ford should kill mercuru, gm should kill all poniacs except the g8, and kill hummer, and dodoge should kill 1/2 its line