Ford GT > driver

owie. :hang:

…look at those wheels…

GAY BILLET CAP… deserved to crash.

BTW - Motor looks to be undamaged… I think is going to be the case in a lot of accidents like this… more swaps for the cheap folk.

ive seen worse

motor is good :tup:

poor GT

What a waste.

looks like my buddies bonneville after he put it into a telephone pole. Almost identical damage.

damn…that sucks. :tdown:


that car looks sexier after a crash and covered with garbage than the bonnevile did when it rolled off the showroom floor.

It is stock…

+1. def. a hot car, def. a tragedy

all cars crash, man


but now someone’s gonna get hot wheels and a hot motor :tup:

wheres the pole it hit? probably 100 yards up the road :lol:

figures… it’s a woman driver…


any man would have realized “if i let off teh gas and hammer the brake, this car wont continue to head towards the gaurdrail”

edit: bitch better be good at sucking wang to pay her husband back for this … but she better not go to deep because she might have a broken nose … ugh

Rare color option too. You dont see to many GTs without the racing stripes and even rewer black ones. I like the All black ones without any decals. Wonder how much it would be to fix that thing. Still doesnt beat the kid who took out his dads Enzo and crashed it. I believe that kid was to first person to total an Enzo. Hot car tho even if it is all banged up. I cant wait to see this thing put up on Ebay.

^^^or the aussie kid who took dads skyline, packed it with people, and launhed it off a hump in th road and slammed sideways into a telephone pole …

yeah, that’s what threw me, the no-stripe option. hadn’t seen too many of those before - looks bad-ass in all black.

ugh, motor swap, how much fun would that be? plus I could go to west-herr and get a starter off the shelf if I need one.

this happened in new zealand… i doubt you will see it on ebay. LOL

is it just me, or do those GTs have crazy wheel gap?