Ford SVT Lightning-CANCELED

I’ve just gotten some very important but disheartening information. With our economy being in a long-term recession and large corporate downsizing taking place all over America, it seems that the SVT division of Ford may be in trouble.

The information that I’ve gotten is from a very reliable but confidential source. Don’t bother asking questions because I can’t answer them beyond the information that I’m posting now.

The “bean counters” at Ford have recommended production cease with SVT. It starts with the new Lightning truck. There are rumors flying all over the net that the SVT Lightning is canceled indefinitely. Well, it’s not canceled indefinitely but is currently postponed.

But now the new Cobra is also being recommended for production cease. The inside word is that both the new Lightning and new Cobra are finalized and ready for production. But for these Ford ‘bean counters’, the vehicles would release on time if not ahead of schedule. And both new SVT vehicles (Lightning and Cobra) will be the most technologically advanced and powerful vehicles in the history of Ford (other than the exotics).

Here’s the most important part: the voice of current and potential SVT customers can make a difference amidst this dilemma. I ask that EVERYONE take a few moments to fax a letter to SVT. In the fax, we each need to express our opposition and contention with the postponement of the Lightning and possibly Cobra. If you are a current SVT customer, state that in the letter. It would be good to include your personal information but anonymous faxes are also effective.

Here’s an example:

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Richard Juliano and I’ve recently been informed that the upcoming release of the SVT Lightning and SVT Cobra have been postponed. I am very upset by this news, as I intended to purchase these new vehicles promptly following their release. I currently own a 2003 SVT Cobra and have been a loyal Ford customer for many years.

However, if SVT will not pledge ongoing support for its customers then I will take my business to one of the competing auto manufacturers.

Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to combat these unfortunate circumstances.


Richard Juliano
<Personal Contact Information>


Everyone write up a letter and fax it to SVT directly. SVT Fax line: 313-621-2500

One more thing that I’ve been told by this close and reliable source: SVT does not want any of these postponements, delays or potential production ceases. Thus, they are on our side here. Some very key people at the top of the food chain feel that enough faxes will make a difference and could actually turn this situation around. So we’re not wasting our time here.

Have faith and help out!!!

Blue’s words: If any of you folks are fans of SVT products, send a fax or a letter and help out

thank BUSH for the recession



damn i love the lightning and would love to have one :eek4:
better yet the cobra :blue:

:bigok: X1000

they got word of the 408 silverad0!!!:smiley:

they figure they would do the same to the lightning as gm did to the fbodys. let the competition catch up.

Lightning > SS sliverado

well blue, looks like the value of your car just went up.


Hahaha, looks like you been smoked there mr burnouts.

no, but i just think thats a stretch to say that…but lightnings r fast, i’m not down-playing them.

SVT has been on death row for some time now.

nevermind… looks like its official today. SVT as a whole is gone, which includes the cobra


hahah… maybe you should go to highschool for round 2. It would be amazing for 1 president in 4 years to cause the economy to go into a recession.

I dunno, but if one major competitor drops out of the performance market… its direct competitors will prob do the same.

if ford sold more cars they wouldn’t have to worry about this…

car sales in general are down this year cause of all the incentives in the past few years to buy new cars. remember the days of 0% financing all over the place??? everyone bought cars then. look around when you are on the road, new cars are everywhere!

well I think it all comes down to Toyota… how they are one of the top auto sellers, yet have nothing as far as performance goes.

Although from everything I’ve been reading… it looks like Saleen is going to take on production of the Ford GT (which theyve been doing)… as well as the Cobra and Lightning. Looks like theyll be contracted out. But I’m betting you’re going to have to pay Saleen prices.

function before fashion