forget chuck norris lol

forget chuck norris lol

The last man who made eye contact with Mr. T was Ray Charles.

Every time a church bell rings, Mr. T pities a fool.

Children are afraid of the dark. Dark is afraid of Mr. T.

When Mr. T folds his arms, the U.S. Terror Alert Level is raised to gold.

Mr.T once punched Chuck Norris at the exact moment he roundhouse kicked Mr.T in the chest. the result was the 80’s.

Mr. T doesn’t breathe, air just hides in his lungs for protection.

Mr. T’s Mohawk is not held up by hair gel, his hair is just scared of him and is trying to get as far away as possible.

Mr. T once captured Bigfoot, but released him after he shaved the beast and realized that it was just Chuck Norris walking around naked in the woods.

23 That’s the number of people Mr. T has pitied in the time it has taken you to read this sentence.

Mr. T invented fools. Realizing the magnitude of his folly, he then created Pity.

Ever have a sharp pain in your chest that you can’t explain? That was Mr. T, and it was a warning.

Mr. T always drives on the right side of the road, no matter where he is in the world.

Mr. T coined the phrase, "I see dead people, " after the waiting staff at Denny’s forgot his birthday.

When Mr. T was circumsized his foreskin was not disposed of. Instead it was raised as a normal child, and it grew to love the game of basketball. Today we know Mr. T’s foreskin as Shaquille O’Neal.

Mr. T was once involved in a head-on car crash, and he was the only survivor. Mr. T was walking at the time.

Mr. T is not black. It’s just that the sun is to afraid to shine on him.

Mr. T is the reason the sky is blue. Don’t ask stupid questions.

Mr. T. does not break wind. He destroys it.

Mr. T once ate four 72 oz. steaks in 12 minutes. He spent the first 5 minutes laughing at the fact it takes Chuck Norris fifteen minutes to eat three.

Mr. T puts the laughter in manslaughter


I like the foreskin -> shaq joke lol



Mr. T. does not break wind. He destroys it.
Best joke in the whole bunch.

:lol: Mr.T is badass x 20

Agreed. :tup:

Mr. T can eat a rubix cube and crap it out solved.


:tup: fuckin great

Clash of the titans lol. Chuck norris vs. Mr.T


Mr. T and Chuck Norris once encountered each other on a lonesome British path. Before the inevitable battle could begin, the earth shit itself and created Scotland.


Every time a bell rings, Mr. T pitties a fool

ehhh… a few good ones. I’m probably going to hell for loling at the ray charles one :lol:

hahahha i lol’d a few times…

Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to be pitied by Mr. T, than you are to have feet.

Despite popular belief, if there is a fool in the woods, and nobody is around to hear his jibba jabba, Mr. T is still able to pity him.

Mr. T was fired from the Psychic Friends Network for always predicting pain.

I laughed really hard at these two