Forgot about this.... it almost made me cry [BMW 2002]

ive been transfering files from old compy to new compy, and finding random shit… this is one of the randoms

a few years ago my gf’s parents moved from their house to her grandparents old house. everything that they didnt take with them was auctioned off, but between them moving and the house being sold there was some lag time. i went out to visit one day and wanted to go through the barn, and ctm was like, “oh ya there is a bmw back here. i think its an e30 or something?” so i almost pee’d myself and she brought me to it and… well… here is a pic

it was a 72 2002. yes it was a tii. NOT VERY RARE AT ALL these days. yes, super cool. yes i really wanted it but fuck i dont have piles of money

at one point it may have looked like this-

it was sold in the auction. her dad said i could just have it if i wanted it but i didnt have the space/time/money ect. i prob could have resold it or parted it

either way, still makes me sad. part of the old pictures thing again

there’s a hot 2002 around the corner from me. my block is sick. currently my euro s50 5 lug e30, that 2002 with flares, a white m roadster with hardtop, e46 m3, list goes on. the (bimmer) block is hot

tii’s aren’t really rare, but an interesting find none the less.

you know, when i originally wrote the thread, i thought to myself- self, maybe you shouldnt say its pretty rare bc mpd47 is going to say its not rare. honestly, i did.

i edited the post for you

Hahaha <3

omg i wish you would have made a fs thread these cars are my fav bmw ( i know its sad but true lol)

the funny thing is that with that paint it really will buff right out, for serious. :slight_smile:

Me too. I’ll own one someday. I would love to swap one with an f22 from an s2000 that would be awesome and piss off so many people haha

2k2s are cool, but i’d rather rock a 510

Ya, probably. The shell was in decent shape for sitting behind a barn for 15 years. All glass was intact, interior was complete ect.

nah if you have a 2002 scoop an s14 swap

edit: the main question is how were the floors/rockers

Most likely gone. rockers looked good from the outside but sitting in a field for 15 years can’t be good for a floor