formal apology to NYspeeders. V. im a dick

EDIT: no one cares

no one knows who you are

get over yourself

lol ^

dick? :gotme:

He sold me a $170 putter for 20 bucks.

sooooooo after this post u should probably just quit life. have fun in florida

Who are you?

Never had a problem with you Chris…

All the best with your new job.

if anything you were annoying


Never had a problem with you Chris…

All the best with your new job.


much appreciated joe.

and everybody else:grouphug: thanks as well

it was nice meeting u chris ill be in florida soon ill get in touch with yah


if anything you were annoying


LOL…I have to agree but I have no problems with you…good luck in Florida!!


:lol: The responses in here are priceless.

Hey Chris,

Still haven’t gotten my PM with the tracking num for the bike you are giving me.





You hate everyone.

Good luck at your job.

You might want to put the cheeba down - you flipped out like a bi-polar girl having PMS while giving birth to a 15-lbs baby.

Then you proceeded to be as nice as can be.

Nah, I liked ya. Good luck man. :tup:

LOL wtf? How do i keep getting named for random stuff lately? Anywho good luck in the future dude! Congrats on getting out.


if anything you were annoying



all though you never did anything to me - this thread is :tantrum:


LOL wtf? How do i keep getting named for random stuff lately? Anywho good luck in the future dude! Congrats on getting out.


You are the root of all that is evil when it comes to AWD owners.

why mine isnt even fast! I de modded myself a few weekends ago lost at least 50 HP