Formula D NJ Pictures

Sick pictures Mike … Looks like a fun time!
When are you going to Alaska?

end of july. there will be a massive pic thread when i get back haha

Sweet … I can’t wait!

Shit I didn’t know you where there. I was working with Rys Millen team that weekend. Actually more on Diajiro Yoshihara car. Not to shabby for my first time at an event. They took 3rd, and 4th respectively. Did you see when Rys drove his solstice threw that red vette?

I was thinking ‘wtf is a spoon doing at a drift event’ when I got confused…

i was maaaad. i liked the vette and that got him eliminated

Nice Pics !

The judges came over after the run and said don’t worry about plowing that guy. He had lost way to much speed and practically parked in front of Rys. That thing was loud as hell. Did you look under the hood. It had a 427 ls with a nice looking twin skrew blower sitting on top.

i dont even remember seeing that thing in the pits…hmmm