NYSpeed @ Dunville: Track Day #3 Discussion and Pics/Vids

I am still in canada waitin for the towe truck

lol broke a brand new car?

Well, that was a great time. Even with the bad weather at the end, we made the best of it. Cant wait for next year.

is my jack still up there?Grab it for me

Who broke??? I didn’t know anyone was stuck…

I got back fine thanks to some paper towels and glass cleaner to keep my window clear. Thanks guys!

Big thanks to Justin our head mechanic for busting his butt with me today to get the car ready after I unexpectedly destroyed the rear differential during a tuning pull wednesday night. The car ended up good to go aside from the rear camber being a couple degrees positive and the toe being off. I didn’t get there til around 7:30 and I didn’t get any time to finish the retune for the new intercooler and fuel system that I started on Wednesday so I just dialed the timing way back, kept it rich and ran spring pressure.

It’s a good thing too. I had enough trouble keeping it straight on the straightaways as it was let alone the turns. I hope I at least made some people laugh. I hate to be “that guy” who goes off course, but I only went off 2 or 3 times and saw some others go off a lot more so thanks for making me feel better. :slight_smile:

I took some in car footage so we’ll see how it comes out. Hopefully it will be good for a laugh.


so how did everyone do? good?

Had fun and learned to drive better after a little lesson.

I have rod knock.

the turbo sho went off into the dirt while the passangers side front wheel well was engulfed in flames … and i totaly missed all the action

turns out that the passanger side axle seal leaks around left handers, pissing oil on the exhaust and slinging it everywhere off the cv shaft

oil fog + screaming hot exhaust + brake sparks + open dump fireball wastegate = poof

it drips just enough while driving normal on the streets that you go “oh, smells like we have a small leak” … on the track its james bond smoke cloud shit because all the oil in the diff housing gets pushed up against that seal and pours out


and oh yea, fuzzy’s BDR shadow ate a turbo and some rod bearings on the way to the track

and rich’s geo storm, slow as balls

and 01audis4’s S4… paint it orange and name it the general lee, because it was once again airborne

^ so wtf happened?


fireball erupted, car went into the dirt, car stopped, Onyx ran over and yelled for alex to bail out, alex said F that and drove it off the track,

and sometime between onyx yelling to bail and alex restarting the car the fire was already out of its own free will

drove car home

I lost my front plate cover there, but other than that good times. Hopefully Josh got some good video, I am still yet to see my car in action at Dunnville from any of the trackdays.

Hopefully onyx has some video of our car too. :slight_smile:

I only caught one of my two offs on tape. I guess I didn’t restart the camera before I spun the second time which is too bad because the off had good distance…

posted some video:

Thanks Josh for organizing this! I had a ton of fun, and didn’t break anything (believe it or not). The “night laps” worked out better than I thought they would. I’ll be back next year :slight_smile:

sorry, I didn’t get any photos or video. :frowning:

Yea, I was right behind it when it happened. That fireball looked pretty big from close up. I’m glad everyone is okayl.

Mike, on the straights your car was pulling like crazy. That thing sounds awesome.

Thanks to the guys that put this together, and those who did the flagging. Again, an awesome time.

I had to break out the 318 cu.in. battery charger, with a pile of spare belts left on the garage floor.

Other than that, backed the car of the trailer, palyed a couple games of musical tires, had someone else take care of the dirty work of puting 100.1 miles on the odometer, put it back on the trailer.

we saw you in the grass a few times when was riding with Marnie. we thought maybe you were confused about where you were supposed to be driving the subaru :slight_smile:

you should bring that thing out to the next rallyX… the idea is to actually drive off the pavement :slight_smile:

that was pretty fun. i’ll have to get my Integra out there sometime. thanks to Jose and Marnie for letting me take a few laps in their cars.

Good times, I had zero desire to do any grip driving the two times I went out. Thanks to dmoffitt for letting me beat on his car, once again. Brian I hope you and your girl enjoyed the ride. I think Andy had the best session out with me all day. Any pics of me in the Z or the Touring are appreciated. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, and to anyone who wondered, I blew the diff out the e34 and limped it home at 40mph.

1am and 300 dollars later I’m home

I know that tune all too well, had to get a tow from Missasauga when I lost a ball-joint on the Porsche.

Sorry we couldn’t do more to help. If it’s any consolation, I JUST got back to Rochester.

I had a great time, everyone drove well, was safe and smart, and I actually really enjoyed the weather change - the slow/subtle gradient from dry to wet made the learning curve much simpler.

Oh, and Josh, there’d better be SIQQQ pics/vid after what I let Mike put my car through :wink: