Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

I like the idea of the people being trained, but who pays for the training? It gets very messy at this point. If people must pay for their own training, to exercise a right granted in the Constitution, that is a huge infringement. If the government pays for it, it grants them the right to decide who may and may not enter said training program, thereby creating a way for them to deny citizens the rights granted them in the Constitution.

I think as gun owners we are going about this the wrong way. People want free college (K-12 is already provided on the taxpayers dime), and educations is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. I think we ought to push for the government to buy us guns when we turn 18. It’s a right…right?

That would help to get all the pansies off our backs about where we can take the guns that we bought with our own money.