Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

University of Utah spokeswoman Coralie Alder stressed that although the school has become a poster child in the media regarding guns on campus, the debate is really a statewide issue.

“The university is following the law as determined by the Utah Legislature during last year’s session, which allows concealed weapon permit holders to carry guns on university and colleges campuses, as well as other locations,” she said.

The University of Utah, based in Salt Lake City, had prohibited firearms on its campus until that ban was struck down by the state’s Supreme Court in late 2006. The institution, backed by all other universities in the state, is still fighting through federal courts to reinstate the ban.

But state legislators could be moving in the opposite direction, considering a bill to modify current law to allow people in Utah – including students – to carry loaded weapons openly.

its your right…

Shit if i was in college id carry. Look how many shootings there is every year cuz of some stupid asshole getting picked on. If i was in class and someone came in with a gun . Id be the first 2 shoot him in the head. Im not dying over stupid bullshit

2nd amendment. /thread.

i carried a backpack to school in oakland i felt pretty safe with that

You should DEFINITELY be able to carry on campus. This issue resonates real deep with me as this effected me personally for several years. I lived in a shitty neighborhood while I was going to school, and was forced to make myself vulnerable going to and from class because Pitt would expel me if I were caught on campus with a firearm.

It is your right to carry a gun. Is the campus a public location or a private location? if it is private, you have to follow the land owners rule. If it’s public then you follow state/federal laws.

I would promote carrying of guns to all students if I ran a college.

And colleges have the right to take it away.

I work at a University in Pittsburgh, no guns are allowed on Campus other then Campus Police. No exceptions. Your not even allowed to have them in your vehicle if you park on School property so I had to take mine out and leave it at home.

And colleges have the right to take it away.

…so colleges have the right to take away your Freedom of Religion as well? How about Freedom of Speech?

Just like banks and Airports and Gov. Buildings have the right to take it away.

And not saying I like it but thats just the way it is here.

who ownes the campus? is it private or public?

Just like banks and Airports and Gov. Buildings have the right to take it away.

So a bank or airport can force me to adopt religious beliefs I don’t agree with while I’m visiting?

Private, sorry thought I mentioned that.


I would feel safer if I was the only one that was allowed… but if EVERYONE on campus was allowed to carry… then what the hell would be the point, i’d feel less safe than before. I carry a knife, but what the hell will that do if someone has a gun to my face.

Nothing is crazy about my post- as a society we’re so quick to throw away our Second Amendment rights, and I’m simply illustrating how absurd this is when compared to how sacredly our other 10 Amendment rights are viewed.

You’re willing to give up your right to self defense on a college campus; are you willing to give up your Freedom of Speech there as well? How about your right to a fair trial?

answer my question

is it private land or a public location - that makes all the difference.

I would feel safer if I was the only one that was allowed… but if EVERYONE on campus was allowed to carry… then what the hell would be the point, i’d feel less safe than before.

That seems silly to me…seems to me that a criminal is less likely to commit a violent crime when he or she knows that there are a whole bunch of armed people surrounding them.

answer my question

is it private land or a public location - that makes all the difference.

Sorry, missed it…I’m sick, feverish and medicated. Public place. I’m specifically referring to public-funded unversities that adopt these rules.

I would feel more safe if everyone carried.

Yeah, that’s the whole issue though, the school receives public funding which makes it much less clear.

A constitutional right should not end if and when you cross state lines, nor when you walk onto a campus.

It is my understand that for private businesses to prohibit guns it must be clearly marked, and that includes banks.

Put it this way…if I’m not going through a metal detector…I don’t like thought of being asked to be unarmed. It’s way too easy for some douche-bag to sneak one in and start shooting fish in a barrel, much like any recent school shooting.