NYSpeed @ Dunville: Track Day #3 Discussion and Pics/Vids

Nasty rod knock, blown turbo. And still able to drive it home with no problem once I ignored the knock/cloud of burning oil. Engine still seems to run strong oddly. Thanks to those that let me ride/drive. :tup:


I only went off the two times, I think, but they were within about 5 minutes.

I ran the car on spring pressure to try and get a feel for it, and I’d do the same at rallyx, but the STi axles and possibly rear diff wouldn’t make it 1 lap at rallyx with this much power. I wouldn’t have any fun.

thanks for helping change tires in the rain… :slight_smile:

Good times! :tup:

I could watch Mike Drift that 350 all day long!!! (Although I don’t think Dave could :lol:)


I had a great time apart from have lower back pain most of the day. I’m starting to really get this track down.

I have video, will get off camera and post.

Damn, I’ve think I’ve said it before, but if anyone breaks down at the track I’ll tow them back for the price of gas + lunch/dinner…

it was a great time out, jose i owe you a ton, and thanks to everyone flagging, and dave thanks for waiting after the border to caravan since my gps said to go another way… i have pics ill put them up today :wink:

Hey u guys did all u could really.

For those that don’t know what happened I went around a turn to fast, spun, rear tire hit the edge of the concrete and blew a hole in the side wall as big as my finger. Miatas don’t come with a spare so I tried every persons spare but none fit. Sat for an hour wautin for a towe and spent the ride home in a truck with an exconvict. I’m glad its over

I think I would actually have preferred to have that conversation on tape, would’ve been hilarious to overlay over the footage :wink:


^Pics, sorry i didnt get everyone i was only on the sidelines for 15min :slight_smile:

Thanks for the pics, can you send me full res of p1020506 and p1020502, webshots FTL.

under each pic theres a magnifying glass with a plus sign … it takes you to the original res of each pic

Thanks again to everyone who came out! I can’t wait until next year either… :wink:

This was IMO one of the most fun days we’ve had. I missed a few key things like Innovative Mike’s 2nd spin (quite impressive) and the Turbo SHO on fire (seriously thought it was going to burn to the ground right then and there!) but the rest is on camera :tup:

Thanks to Bing and Mike who almost killed me in the back of the Rover, lol. But I’m sure I got some killer shots :slight_smile:

I had a great time. A pleasure meeting the group. See you all next year!

all the more reason to keep filming … :lolham:

here is what my tire looks like


ouch, you should prob get a spare for next time. i have to say though i really liked it w/o run groups, i dont think anyone really had to wait much… lol i kept waiting for the direction to switch, and then the rain made it a little too slick for comfort

Rallycross! :rofl:


Anyone get any shots or video of that goof drifting the Audi wagon around in the rain? Did you see that retard, man, what an idiot:rofl::rofl::rofl: Only thing that could have made that funnier was if there was the dog and some groceries in the back

Maybe for the next track day you can get your rearview mirror and ears fixed so you don’t hold up 2 cars from passing for 1/2 a lap, just a suggestion.

Thanks for the pics. They are much appreciated.