Forza 4: Endangered Species by Jeremy Clarkson



awesome commercial

Forza > GT

Can’t wait for this game. Awesome commercial. Great find.


thank you. that was pretty fuckin’ awesome


Forza 4 is fucking awesome, def a nice update from Forza 3 overall. Loving the new tires and steering


Forza 4 just came out for modded consoles. Attaining now. Gonna get a couple days headstart on the awesomeness before I pick up my legitimate retail copy.

Some guys, you HAVE to buy. This is one of them.

For anyone wondering, your console MUST (not a choice) be on LT+ 2.0 firmware to read it.

Yes. PS3 sucks cock.


just bought a 360 and forza 3 like 2 weeks ago. Guess I will have to say fuck it to 3 and go buy 4

3 probably cost you like $20 anyway…not that big of a loss. It’s relatively cheap now, especially with 4 coming out in the next couple of days.

Add Ilya your friends list btw, cause you will most likely require his service in a month or 2. :rofl

yeah it was 19.99. so now i will have both. gave me some good practice for 4



good call!!

That was one STELLAR piece of marketing. I might get this.

I don’t agree.

Even more reason to enjoy the console.