Forza 4

Pretty cool course!
Its Crazy what they can do with Lighting in games these Days.

I heard Jezza is gonna be the voice for the game. Is that true? I would buy it just for that. Forza 3 sucked though.

Forza 3 was siqqqqqq. I hump the shit out of forza! Can’t wait for 4… Jeremy clarkson also will be doing commentary on certain cars.

No idea if this is the video or not…but im hoping it is. (It was removed when i clicked the link today…and with how much im anticipating forza 4 as well, i was determined to find it!)

Lets try this whole embedding thing again…

I’ll prob RROD another xbox playing too much F4.

Just found this. Does it mean I have a problem if I’m gonna buy this probably just because Jezza is the voice of the game? I HATED Forza 3.

how can u hate FORZA 3?!. best driving game ever made…

A lot of it was cool but I hated how you could put a ton of time into the game and build a car then get beat by someone who just bought the game in online racing because the game let’s you race any car you want right off the bat.

That’s why you host your own lobby, and set car class restrictions, OR search for a lobby that is racing whatever class you want to race. Problem solved.

^yessir. i just mod cars and do time attack all day long lol

Halo + Forza 4 + Top Gear?

xbox FTW. what now ps3?!
and we didnt have to wait 5 years. lol

Console racing games are a joke

I know of the classes, but every time I went into the online lobby there were so few people playing that I could only go into the lobbies that had people in them.

I don’t really play video games much these days so I might have been doing something wrong, I dunno.

---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 AM ----------


The interaction with the Kinect will be interesting. Probably not much more than a gimmick, but the rest of the game looks absolutely solid.

I only play video games when it’s snowing… between this, Halo 4 and MW3 I should be good until April, heh.

Although the video is cool, from the reading I have done the Warthog will not be a useable vehicle.

x 11

i actually hated forza 3 also, you blow through each car way too quickly.

in f2 you could usually use the same one for a couple of series, in f3 its just 1 for the most part.

Glad to hear your fantasy garage only includes 1 car.

I miss forza, my xbox kept dying on me ( went through like 3 in a year) so i made the change to the darkside. The WORST thing about gt5 and forza are the levels. I think you should be able to do / buy whatever aslong as you can pay for it. I do miss doing motorswaps and making crazy high powered cars. ill probably get another xbox when this comes out.

have all the cars in both games, but whatever…

i spend hours on each car finely tuning it so i like to be able to use it for more then 2 or 3 races.

You can have set tunes for each class, so you can use the same car but it’s performance would have to change… Not every race is the same class anyways you can’t expect to use the same car forever… Besides don’t you find it boring if your car is way faster then the cpu’s? It’s like doing a time trail all day long if you don’t have to try to get ahead of people.