Found this in my buddy's bathroom yesterday

He got 2 new roosters yesterday and we decided to annoy his mom by letting them run around the house


Why do people carpet bathrooms – seriously, doesnt seem like a good idea at all

x2… but then again, this guy has farm animals in his fucking house.

lmao, they were only in the house for about 4 minutes

This reminds me of the cock fights I got to see while in puerto rico. Greatest. Thing. EVAR

You might be a redneck if…

…you drive a pickup truck, have a Mustang that doesn’t work, and collect Matchbox cars and junk in the back of your pickup.

Ok Ive got the truck but the Mustang runs fine, I collect Hot Wheels and the junk wasnt something I did.

[quote=kramerbuccs24;455037]…you drive a pickup truck, have a Mustang that doesn’t work, and collect Matchbox cars and junk in the back of your pickup[FONT=Arial Black].[/[/FONT]quote]

ahhh ha “and the truth shall set you free”-jim carrey

calling east berne…baaaaaahh baaaaaaah…wheres the sheep…


esperance…IE schenectady county…

Yeah, I know people with sheep there

underboosted came out my way to pick up a sled and his g/f sam thaught it was hilarious that someone spray painted on the overpass by the feedplant… I LOVE SHEEP…she wanted to take a pic but it was dark out…

carpet in bathroom= breeding ground for bacteria. and rotting wood.

When the tailgate drops the bullshit stops.

gotta love Central Bridge…


they covered that up a few years ago and someone wrote it again…

God damn it!!!

WTF is it about Shift518 and people posting pictures of their cocks

it wasn’t my cocks, it was my friend’s cocks :rofl

w3rd which bridge is it? im right on the border