Four teens in lockport gang rape a disabled girl

Do you have any clue what affirmitive action has done to this country?

It has worked entirely opposite, than what it was originally intended for.

First off. On civil service tests, and law enforcement applications…the fact that they get “extra points”, for being black is refuckingdiculous.

And the fact that police agencies, have to hire black, people…because of a quota system is also fucking bullshit.

Plain and simple, you don’t hire someone who isn’t qualified the job, because their skin color, places them higher on the points scale.

Tough shit, if no blacks don’t score high enough, to become a state trooper. Try harder next time.

You are going to tell me that its fair that if i finish 10th overall, for the state police test, after affirmitive action is done, i’m bumped down 50 spots, due to women, blacks, and hispanics. And they will hire un-qualified people over me, just to meet a “quota”.

It was supposed to give them a little help, after the civil rights movement. Now its 2006, and everybody has an equal and fair chance to do anything they want.

What do you think would happen, if i proposed a law, that gave whites an advantage in getting jobs? Or a “whites only” scholarship?
