Four teens in lockport gang rape a disabled girl

You are right 10000000%.They already said in the Buff news today(Thurs) that the only reason they got arrested was because they were black!!! I had a field day at work.I own 2 apt building right down the street(like 7 house) from where it happened.This neighborHOOD has went downhill so fast it is SHOCKING.A buddy of mine,myself,his wife and her sister(one of my tenants) started tossing a football out in the street one day.WITHOUT EXAGGERATING w/in 10 mins there were 30 local youth hanging around.Then they started trying to grab the ball when someone dropped it and such. After a few mins we took the ball and went back on the porch,they all wandered away and we started again.A few came back but got the hint.
If someone has a nice chunk of change laying around, I highly suggest You buy every house in this area you can.There is a little corner store there that is kind of for sale.I want to buy all the houses for cheap, then buy the store,CLOSE it, and most of your problems will go away.
I’m getting madder even as I type this about what Lkpt is turning into and why it is and I’m not going to try and cover up my feelings.

see, i’m torn with this thread.

i hate cripples.
i hate black people.

i don’t know who to hate more?

plz hlp!!!

being a parent has changed my worldly views on race…

i think a lot of the problems we have today is that people dont appreciate their kids.
then have more.

if you had to have a GED or h.s diploma to get welfair, a lot more kids would stay in school and potentially make a positive contribution to soceity.

no jail for these 4, just send them to the KKK for some “street justice”.

maybe they just wanted to play some catch, or get a game started?? that’s what i used to do when i was a kid…

newman, although not all blacks are good, not all muslims are good, not all spanish are good, that also goes for whites. i can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, but in any event, just STFU, u provide nothing of any intelligence or insight into this thread.

i do agree that the kids should be jailed, castrated, and the parents should be fined. someone should foot the bill for the legal system, and its the parents who probably werent there for their kids.

does he ever in any thread? EMO values= :roll:

cripples because those lazy bastards don’t work! (no pun intended)

“Disabled” people are stereotypically white, so you assume the girl was white. How would we know?

everybody knows cripples are all white, criminals are black and hispanics, and the wealthy are all jewish. :bloated:

only 16?
damn, no real jail for them. :tdown:
they like people like that in the real jail.

what’s worse than a black guy?

A camaro.

What’s worse than a camaro?

A black guy in a camaro.

What’s funnier than that?

4 black dudes gang raping a crippled white girl in a camaro.


good point. we all assume she is white…

It doesn’t matter if she was white or black. These kids are criminals and should be punished as such.

Do you have a link to this story?

ofcorse she is white. because it is not a big deal if a black guy (or in this case group) rapes a white girl…thats not racist. yet if the tables were turned and she was black and raped by white med then omg LA riots in lockport here we come. I am so sick of black people pulling the race card. it happens alllll the time. Dont get me wrong, i think prejudice because of skin color is absolutly pointless and stupid. this race card bullshit shit does not help.

they should be released on a small amount of bail and let the girls father handle it (assuming she has a caring family)


What fucking bullshit. How can these “guardians” be so idiotic?? If the girl was black the kids wouldn’t have been arrested? Bullshit!! Rape is rape. These little fuckers raped a girl. White, black, red, orange…doesn’t matter.

This reminds me of the story about the black guy who hi-jacked a trucker the other day. He led police on a slow speed chase (ala OJ) and then finally gave himself up. He said he did it because of the poor treatment that black people receive in society. Oh yeah BTW he happens to be a convicted felon. So tell me how hi-jacking a semi gets your message out about how black people need better treatment?

but backwardz :shoot:

If convicted there will be jail for them…

This is one crime that you can be fully convicted of when you are 16.

IMHO they should all be fried…but unfortunately were in NY, not texas

I don’t want to get into what I think about this ordeal. Let just say I hope they fawkn burn to death, no mercy.