Fourth of July

Guess I’ll check out the NT fireworks since its my new hometown.
Other than that, get drunk at home and spend some time with the hubby.
We used to go to D Lake every year, I even have free passes for this year, but its not worth the hassle to me. I’ve been on every ride a million times, its crowded, smelly, over priced and its has always rained when I go.

Do the NT fireworks look like PBR cans and NASCAR logos?

Mickey Rats on July 4th makes me want to stab myself.

Elma puts on a good show. My uncles backyard is 60 feet or less from where they actually shoot the shit off. When you are watching you are looking dead up. Also you can feel the thump in your chest when they initially shoot them, thats how close it is.

So you DO hangout in NT!! After the fireworks they all head over to Alexander’s for beers and “nudity”.

I enter NT once a year, to point and laugh at people at anal fest.

Orchard Park has always had amazing fireworks shows. really up close seating too… I love seeing the fireworks blow 40ft off the ground and people start running.

Bring safety glasses though if you sit close or you’ll get shit in your eyes

I dont even go and do that. Seems like every year a gf wants to o to that and I always give the same answer and get the same reaction.

im camping at Buffalo Hill this weekend

I usually hang out at the beach next to the bar and watch. Going to the bar is terrible.

The 4th is my birthday so I’ll be out on my parents boat, with a bunch of friends, for the day. We’ll probably be in the West River between Beaver Island and Strawberry Island. We usually end up tying up with like 10 boats wherever we end up going to watch the fireworks.

I’m leaving tonight at around 11 to go to vermont, my gf’s parents have a summer house up there. going to drive through the night, should get there around 6 am on friday wish me luck haha