FR:Interesting business opportunity for the right person(s)

just finishing up numbers/details but looks like I will be purchasing another plaza on G.I. that also comes with a 25 room motel with 2 apts.

Thing is,I don’t want a motel so here is where you could come in.
I am looking to rent the whole motel and the 2 apts,which could be turned into a 3bdrm 2 ba and easily get $1,000 for it all day long(Town hall terrace on G.I. rents the same for $1,595)Yes they are probably nicer but not $600 a mo. nicer or you could live in it your self.
Now you have 25 rooms to rent out as rooms or apts(9 are monthly as we speak)The above #'s will easily cover what I want for rent and the rest will be your operating exp. and profit.The more aggressive you want to be, the more you would make.
I won’t go into financials on here but if you are serous PM me and we can talk.
P.S. if you see this Butchie please don’t say anything as you know parties involved and know I will treat them right.Still on the DL until more is final.

:snky: I’m watching you…

always got your hand in the cookie jar… or multiple jars…

:tup: honest guy.