Freaking out

fuck you, you pathetic piece of white trash shit. i’m honestly scared fucking shitless, and you’re going to make some tasteless comment like that?

Blanyer its more common than you think so calm down,

quick you crack me up. Next time you have some motorcyle accident story we’ll make sure BS comments are made :rolleyes:

:blah::blah::blah: why not keep it off the net? its no ones buisness but yours.

now why do you got to bring race into this??? i would have to say that calls for a banned. talking about race

you guys did

No I think I said that sucked, and agreed with you.

My point is you cried about people being insensitive in with a serious topic, and they you trun around and become hypocritical.

you might not of but since when are blanyers stories for real

i called you white trash… that’s not slamming your race…it’s stating a fact…

you’re white.
you’re trash.

as for keeping personal shit off the board, we all had to hear you whine about getting dumped ad nauseum… “i’m a soppy cunt and my girlfriend ditched me and took all her shit with her… i need a computer to go on the internet…” :greddy:

name one thing that isn’t.

how do you know im white and that is racist. talking about ppl of any color shouldnt be on the bored if you go by the rules. yes i may have but that was along time ago when drama and shit like this is suppose to be left off board. and seriously what good is posting on PS about this going ot help you out…its not

not enough time to bring them all up

somebody must have seen the light :jerkit:

i’ve met you in person, ass.

you don’t have to bring “them all” up… name one thing i’ve posted on here that was “a story”.

which means what? seriously how do you know that im only caucaisn…you dont which should leave race out of this. going by rules that is banned material

well that’s a serious topic… but don’t get to worried until you see your dermatologist and get some biopsy results back. Goodluck. Who are you going to? I’m a nurse and i know a few.

lol… you’re such a whiny bitch… and no one’s “only caucasian”…

okay, i amend my earlier statement…

you’re not “white trash”…

you’re ghetto trash.


yea that is better… LMAO good luck tho, hope shit is nothing more then nothing. that way we dont lose all your useless posts :moon:

i tried Rebecca Caserio first because she’s close, but I couldn’t get an appointment until February… after about six other places, I ended up getting an appointment at UPMC, down in the Faulk(sp?) Building… no idea who the doctor is, but I have to go to the fifth floor.

Falk Clinic is located on 5th avenue. If you are sitting on Mckee Place (Exxon is on your right) and you are about to cross over Forbes to Fifth, once you get to that next ligt at fith you will see the following. Caddy corner to your right you will se ethe new construction of the Bio Tower, Caddy corner to the left you will see faulk clinic.

You can dirve up the hill some and there are 3 Parking garages. two on the right and one on the left. The one on the left is Montefore’s Parking garage and its Valet only. right across the stree will be your best bet and that is UPMC Presbys main garage.

I was Boared :smiley: