I hate having

mother fuckin health problems. So I go to the ER because Im very weak. Its been aproblem since I went back to UPS. I have been very tired, legs are like I have been walking on them for days, head aches, throwing up, so fuckin tired, upset stomache, the shits, feeling like someone is sitting on my chest, cant sleep, very moody, and sweeting like a mother fuckin when Im doing real physical work. The good news its nothing life threatening well so they say, but the bad news I could have problems with my lungs. I have to use inhaler for 2 to 3 days then go see the doc to see if I am improving. Ill try and get pics of this thing they gave me to inhale my shit with and I know shaggy will want it after Im done with being it resembles a bong :slight_smile: Hopefully these damn doctors figure it out for me and hopefully its soon

i think they give that shit to everyone now

that sucks sam. get better soon!

ill make avisit to the little blue house when i get back to cal

hope ya feel better

guarantee you i know what it looks like… sorry to hear about that, do you have asthma or allergies?? what you are describing sounds familiar with what my dad suffers from. he has both asthma and allergies pretty bad.

get some rest this time, don’t push it

Man Sam, you gotta get better. It’s getting boring here on nightshift.

If it resembles a bong, I can think of two others that would know what it looks like cough mike and jim cough. :shaggy:

thanks guyts and I think it may be that being asthma runs in my family. My dad has it and my grandfather had something aint 100% sure but whatever it was eventually killed him.

well me and shaggy will be up to help you out tomorrow

u 2 coming up and making me see ur sorry asses aint going to make me feel any better :kiss:

If you feel like getting out of the blue house sometime, stop by and visit. It’s starting to look like a house and not a disaster area.

your npot going to even wish shag a happy birthday

Hope you feel better Sam.



get well soon sam!!! just have silla do all the house work an’ nat

I hope you get better man. I’ve had my fair share of medical problems. I’ve had 3 seperate kidney stones, juvenile arthritus when I was ~10, and a life threatening pulmonary embolism. I’m still here and doing good.

oh yeah, I also have glaucoma :shaggy:

i can give glockcoma :reloading

uhmmm congratulations on that… :ugh:
