Well I

Found out I have asthma and my weirdness I was having were asthma attacks. Hopefully it dosent get into my way from me being a pig. I was told alot of sports stars have it and continue to play so we will see what happens.

when you take the physical lie dont tell them…i guess your not giving shaggy his new toy then

that sucks man, atleast you figured out what you have so you can work with it and avoid attacks in the future. and i know a ton of ppl that just muscle through it and got inhalers so they can keep playin there sports

I go to the gym and exercise and I seem fine but the guy has A/c in there. I do sweet and breath heavy but i dont have any attacks. So i should be good but we will see when I go to play ball at the BBQ meet

you might have activity induced astma


activity induced…thats why i have it only triggers while doing strenous activities

i have that. but, i call it lazy.

I have attacks form the heat, stress, allergies, and some other things I cant think of now


asthma sucks i have it

i am lazy and i will admit it…but then i get no attacks…i usually get them after really long runs and heat

why do u even post anymore

i probable should have said that laziness is the cure. :confused:


continue on being an ass hole

doesn’t asthma come from pushing to many broken fords off the road. :fart: :naughty:

pretty sure ur right


I :love: OrangeSS

yeah I thought so. I think I read it in a medical book somewhere. :smiley: