hows the diets coming?
Ive ben doing much better than normal, but not as good as i’d like. The fuckers here at work have me running 6 days… 2 midnights, 2 daylights, 2 evening shifts… I havent been able to get shit done, and ive been exhausted. Havent ran in a couple days and ive cheated a few times on teh food. Had a steak on Mothers Day, and a chicken cheesesteak sub yesterday for lunch. But other than that and a couple cans of pop here and there, ive been doing ok… Need to start drinking more water and become more consistent with the exercise. I was HOPING i would be able to get out and do shit now that the Cavalier is fixed, but life is fucking me in the ass with its big black cawk once again, so that appears to be out of the picture.
Today I ate a 12" subway sub on white (they were out of wheat, which is funny because this is the first time in my life i have EVER ordered wheat bread for a sandwich.). Had turkey breast/ham on white with NO CHEESE (a big :ugh: for me), with hot peppers, hot pepper relish, a few black olives and red wine vinegarette. And i had a plain grilled chicken sandwich with ketchup about an hour ago.
when you shit is it, brown or black lumpy or soft?
if you dont exersize, at least eat good so it evens out… kinda
but good job as far as doing better
actually as of late its been kinda squishy green. I mean, i didnt squish any of the actual turdletts, but by all outward appearances they appear to be squishy. And bum hole kinda burns too. Not the searing pain of flesh tearing like when Roland fucks you in the ass, more like the dull, “i think i feel something, but its not really noticable” feeling, like when PewterSS fucks you in the ass.
meh, i need to raise my activity level all together. These days all i do it sit around and do nothing if im not at work. Getting up and doing shit costs money and requires a car… neither of which i have. :mad:
BEsides, im damn well gonna get my $30/month worth of this cable internet service.
oh i get that burning when using cheap TP
I can only afford 1 ply! Tear throughs and brown fingers are a way of life in my house. :hs:
Darkstain <3 T3h Hockey so join a league! I play 3 days a week (1 league game and 2 pick-up nights) and it’s awesome. Mentaly it’s like a ‘free’ cardio workout. If I’m going to go for a run I have to get myself set to go and not let myself get lazy about it… but I never have to convince myself to go play hockey. If there’s hockey to be played I’m there. I still ride on occasion, as I enjoy that too (not as much as hockey… but I fawkin’ hate running). But seriously, you’ll be so surprised how hard you work and what a damn good workout you get w/o even thinking of it when you’re playing a sport you love. But I’ll admit Hockey = (Time * Money) ^ (#days a week + skill level).
I’ve been hitting the gym 3-4 days a week for about 2hrs/day for about 4 months now too. Between Hockey and the Gym I’ve lost a lot of the fat I had put on over the last few years (I gained a lot in PA… damn wings & beer
) and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life. It’s a little harder for me to get rolling and get my ass down to the gym but once I get there I get into it and the time flies by. It really helps that one of my best friends works out w/ me every day. That keeps us from slackin’ and missing days and it’s nice to have somebody to BS w/ while you’re there.
Now if I could stop eating like comlete crap (and drinking so much).
werd. You are sooo right. I love playing hockey. When i was up at RMU i would run around playing hockey to the point that I would run over to the fence, blow some chunks, drink a sip or water and go right back out. Im thinkin of buying a net and a stick and some shit so me and my little bro can play. Not much hockey down here. Its all about football and Lacrosse.
Right on… foot hockey in front of the house can be one hell of a workout… sometimes harder than league hockey!!! You might want to think about Lacrosse too, I’ve been really considering taking it up. It has a lot in common w/ hockey.
when i started 2 weeks ago i was 250 now i am 237. Just have been pretty much eating healthy runnings a few days a week. i’m pretty happy with that loss in 2 weeks but im still goin at it i wanna get under 220
great man…damn i got to get my ass back in shape
all i eat is
snacks-apples and grapes
lunch or dinner- turkey,tuna, or chicken (no cheese,no mayo, no nuthin)
drink-water and crystal light
been on that pretty much. splurged a few times but im pretty happy about the progress so far.
thats awesome…i need to loose weight…i am going to Korea in june for the Army so i better drop some Pds cause we are going to be running