i hate being sick

this fucking blows, I feel like my throat is on fire!!

:crying: :crying: :crying: :love: hope u feel better!!!

Maybe thats the liquor talking??? :dunno:

Originally posted by whitey
I feel like my throat is on fire!!

i don’t liqour anymore… beer is free!!

you need something to coat and sooth your throat :bj:


yea like a popsicle

Originally posted by whitey
yea like a popsicle
is that what your b/f calls it.

Originally posted by Black_WS6
is that what your b/f calls it.


I had it for about a week. Every hill I went up or down my ears would clog up for hours from being congested.

pop mega dose of vitamin c(like 500 + millagrams)over in 3 days.

Sorry Whitey…hope you get better soon

go get an antibiotic

went to doctors… got some medicince… MRI on friday!!

doctors and medicine are for pussies.

i have taken 4 tylonal in my life. 3 of them were on my round trip to south carolina when my wisdom teeth were coming in and i had an absesed tooth.

took half a perkaset with the 4 wisdom teeth removed. its the fact that i just dont seem to get sick. (go me)
but when i do get sick i am by far the biggest baby ever. i have to have everything my way or i get ticked off.

Hope you feel better man. i hate bein sick. but its suppose to get nice at the end of the week. then cold again so everyone will be sick next week also

What do you have to get an MRI for?

Originally posted by flyinglow57


:doh: :doh:
